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hey everyone my name is Riya malison am 17 years old i love reading books, playing with children so every time am not at home am at the orphanage working i don't want to rely on my parents that's why and after school sometimes i go there, everyone hurts me because am childish but i don't mind them am my own person i don't need anyone to change me .

i am currently on my way to school i felt like someone was following me ,i looked behind but didn't find anyone i reached the school and went in, i was at my locker to see what i have the first period when someone pulled my hair back making me fall down i looked up only to find britney with a smile on her face.

"its looks like someone wants to cry, everyone it's riya the crybaby" after she said that everyone including her started laughing, i got up and run to the wash room i sat down and started crying, she is right i am a crybaby but what can i do that's how i am i was in there for a few minutes when i git up wiped my tears and went to class i was in the back sit when mrs sarah entered i was so into what she was saying that i didn't notice the period was over.

I went to the cafeteria and sat at an empty table eating the bell rang it was time for the last subject and i will be going home it was maths we learned for hours and finally class was over i took my bag and went straight to the orphanage to work i reached and everyone of the kids were happy to see me they don't really keep the kids here good but when am here i try my best to feed them, there is this one little boy, he's one year three months now he has started calling me mama because when he was left at the door step of the orphanage i was there.

Right now am working and he's sleeping after i finished i made food for the kids to eat after they finish playing I served the food after i finished i went to Arlene(the baby) who was sleeping peace full the water was ready so i woke him up when he's eyes adjusted to the light, he was about to start crying but when he saw me, he called me"MAMA" in his baby voice with a smile on his face.

He is very cute after i bathed him i took him to eat with the other kids and we played it was now time to go home i said my goodbyes and left i reached home only to find a letter with my parents hand writing it read

you were never the child we wanted and you were a disgrace because of how you act so we are leaving you and never search for us good bye.
Your mom and dad

at the end of the letter i was in tears the only thing in my mind was going away from the house and that's what I did.

But is that why they left her or is there something else, something big. Keep reading to find out more and thanks for giving my story a chance feel free to vote, like, comment and share.💐

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