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It's been a week since i started leaving with Nicole and am graduating next year, but something has been on my mind, it's not that am not grateful for him saving me but it's more like am being a burden so have been trying to work extra hours to help around the house.

Nicole said he wanted to talk to me about something important but i don't know what, right now am getting ready to go to school, when everything was done, i went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee but there was food on the table with a note attached to it. It said

"Morning Riya, eat and finish everything on the plate then go to school, Zack will be waiting for you outside, see you when you are done with school"


After eating breakfast, i washed the plates and took my bag pack, Zack was waiting for me in the car, when he saw me jack was about to step down from the car and open the door for me but i was quick to respond and open the door for me.

"Good morning sir, how are you" I said

"Morning Miss, am fine thanks and you" he asked

"Am fine thank you"

The ride was quite and it was comfortable until the school building came into view and alot of people were going inside the school premises but i didn't want to grab attention so am always left five minutes away from the gate

And just like any other day Lily and Jackson were there waiting for me in a very deep conversation, when the car come to a stop i turned to Zack and said.

"Thanks for the ride, bye see you"
i said.

"You're welcome Miss" he said and left

" Hey love, how are you and everything holding up' Lily asked while giving me a hug

"Hi, am fine thanks and everything is good great except for the orphanage" I said

"What is wrong at the orphanage is Sophia and Arlene alright" this time Jackson asked

"Yes they are fine it's only that, they are not being treated well Sophia is always given chores and two day ago she told me that Mrs Johnson starved her" I said

"That's terrible, she has always treated those children bad and there's nothing that can be done" Lily answered.

We walked into the School and went straight to our classes, the day was  boring but am glade it's over while walking out of the class, Lily and Jackson were waiting for me.

"Hey, how is the project so far?" i asked.

"Not good why don't we find a place where we can do the project and finish it" Jackson asked

"Yeah we need to submit it at the end of this week" Lily said.

"How about where am staying, am sure Nicole won't mind but i also promised Sophia that i would take them to get ice cream today" I said.

"What if you buy them ice cream and maybe give Nicole or his driver to take it at the orphanage" Lily suggested

I thought about it and loved the idea so when we went outside and walked to the place where Zack always leaves me, only to find Nicole there not Zack.

"Hi, how are you and i thought Zack was the one coming" i said.

"Hey, am fine thanks and hope your day was great, about Zack i gave him a one week off because I'll not be needing him alot and needs to visit his family" he said.

" Actually i was wondering if it was fine with you to let us do a school project at your place but it's fine if you don't want" I rushed in saying.

"It's fine by me, now let's go " he said motioning foe me and m friends to enter.

When we were inside the car, I told him about going to the ice cream shop to buy Sophia and Arlene there favorite flavour but he ended up volunteering, i tried arguing but he kept on insisting until i had no choice but to agree.


Today I woke up very early because i had a meeting and Riya has been living with me for a week now, she's a very beautiful person to have around and she has been on my mind lately.

And i have been spending some time with her, Sophia and Arlene at the orphanage when i go to pick her up. Sophia and Arlene are really great children and have grown attached to them, am currently thinking of buying Sophia a phone and there's a galla coming up which am thinking of inviting Riya to accompany me.

My mind is always occupied with Riya, i think am starting to like her but will she ever like me when she really finds out who i really am. I kept myself occupied with work so that i could finish early.

My work was done and i told Zach to have a week off and went to pick up Riya, Zack told me where to wait for Riya so that'd were she found me and started informing me about the project they needed to do and buying ice cream for Sophia and Arlene. Seeing that she had alot of things on her mind i insisted on buying ice cream and taking it at the orphanage.

Riya was very insisting i still managed to get a buy and take the ice cream at the orphanage, so i first dropped off Riya and her friends at my place and reconsidered buying them ice cream.

I thought of them having a sleepover here for today and I'm there way here I'll buy them their ice cream but wanted it to be a surprise for Riya, so after dropping them i went straight to the orphanage, when i arrived Sophia was outside being shouted at by Mr Johnson about something and she looked really scared of him.

I was very angry, how can an adult be shouting to a teenager like that, to end whatever he was saying i walked towards Sophia and turned her around.

"Hey, stop crying everything is going to be okay" I said while bringing her into a hug.

She held on close to me us if being afraid tat if she lets go I'll disappear and kept on shaking her head refusing to talk.

Hey guys, sorry that i stopped updating but now am done with what was keeping me busy, i will try by all means to update once or twice in a week. Please feel free to vote, comment, like and share .✨💐💫💞

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