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The first period went on fast and now we are making our way to the cafeteria, we got our food and went to sit down while eating Whitney the popular girl in school came towards where we were sitting.

"Hey Jackson am throwing a party at my house and you're invited" she said in a flirting way.

But Jackson didn't reply and continued to talk to me and Lily that seemed to anger Whitney, the next thing she said made me freeze and tears to cloud m vision.

"Jacky baby, why are you ignoring me is it because of this ugly girl, can't you see nobody loves her, even her own parents Left her " she said

"How did you know about that " I asked

"Oh everyone knows, your parents made a very good decision because no one would really like to be with you anyways" she said

"WHITNEY ENOUGH! If you say another word am not going to hold myself, you know what Riya is much better than you, she doesn't beg people for attention, she doesn't put makeup like how you apply cream on a cake" Jackson said

"Yes and we don't want to go to a party which will mostly consist of people like you as if it's a night club, even if Riya doesn't have her parents atleast she has friends who care for her" Lily said

Whitney was so embarrassed that she left, some people were even laughing at her.

"Thanks guys, that means a lot to me"

We continued to eat until it was time for the last class we went it was boring but when class ended Jackson and Lily where waiting for me at my locker.

"Hey Riya we need to start making the project but we need to find a place where we can do all this" Lily said.

"Yes i was also wondering" we continued to talk until my phone started ringing, it was an unknown ID but i answered it any way.

Phone conversation

Riya "Hello"

NICOLE"Hey Riya, just wanted to let you know that I'll not managed to come so have sent my driver to get you"

Riya " oh you don't have to worry i can use the bus  and at what time are you going to come home"

NICOLE " no the driver is already waiting outside and am not sure when I'll finish here so don't wait for me, eat dinner and go to sleep if you get tired okay"

Riya "okay thanks have a wonderful day bye"

NICOLE "okay bye take care"

With that the call ended.

We continued to talk about random things until we went our separate ways, Nicole's driver was waiting for me walking towards the the when i reached the car he opened the door for me to get in.

Getting inside the car and the drive to the house was quite until i arrived, thanking him before i went inside. The house was quite although it was lonely, the silence was comfortable.

Going to my room to take a shower then considered to take a nap for an hour to get ready for work at the ophanage .

Someone was knocking on my bedroom door, getting up and opening the a maid was standing there, she looked my age and friendly.

"Hey,how are you and what's your name" I asked

"H-hi am fine thanks my name is Sandra, am here to tell you that food is ready for you to eat" she said

But i don't remember telling anyone to make food for me.

"But i never told anyone to cook for me" i said confused

" Mr vandal called and told the chef to prepare food for you to eat when you wake up from your nap" she said

"Oh okay, I'll be coming down in a few minutes let me take a bath first"

Sandra went back downstairs while i took a shower and got ready to eat then I'll leave for the orphanage, when everything was done am walking out of my bedroom going to the kitchen where Sandra was.

"Here you go miss and if you need anything feel free to tell me" the chef said

"Thanks, please call me Riya and this will be enough, pardon me what's your name" i asked

"Sorry for not introducing myself, am Zack " he said.

"Okay and thanks for the food it really look wonderful and smells good"

"You're welcome"

With that me and Sandra we started getting to know each other by asking each other questions.

Sandra was really a nice person when it was 3PM i got my bag and phone with a final good bye to Sandra but when i started walking a man stopped me and said

"Miss you can't leave the house without a car and Mr vandal called and told me to take you to the orphanage you work at"

"It's fine you don't have to worry I'll used the bus you should go and rest really, i didn't catch you name " I asked

"Victor and it's my job to drive you wherever you want to go, so don't worry let's go"  Victor said

Not wanting to argue because knowing that it's his Job i got into the car and Victor started the ride it was silent buy a peaceful one untill he asked for directions and I gave him.

It only took about 20 minutes to reach the orphanage and Victor left after dropping me off. Without hesitation i made my way inside the orphanage door but a loud crying sound broke me out of my thought and the person in charge had headphones plugged inside her ears to block off the cries while Sophia was trying to make him stop crying.

Sophia's parents died when she was two years and none of her relatives wanted her, she has been of help in taking care of the children here and she has been close to me because she seeks a mother's love.

Sophia once asked if she could call me mom because am the one who takes care of her, am always there when she needs me and provide her with love and comfort also that i was a mother to her. I couldn't bring myself to denay her so from that day she started calling me mom.

Without wasting time i went and got Arlene out of the baby court, he was still crying, while bouncing him i made my way to the kitchen and prepared a bottle of milk for him and food for the other children.

When it was ready i called one of the children who was 14 years her name was Sophia she was another girl who calls me mom and she's happy about it.

"Hey Sophia would you hold Arlene while i serve the food for everyone and feed him his bottle" I said

"Okay Mom, and would you please serve me first am starving, i didn't get to eat last night because Mrs Johnson told me that there wasn't any food left" she said

I felt pity Mrs Johnson has always been like that and when am here I'll always come with food sometimes.

"Okay here you go finish everything okay" i gave her a plate full of food, Sophia said a faint yes and started eating.

I served everyone the food and when back to the kitchen and got Arlene out of Sophia's arms so that she could eat properly.

"Mom this food taste amazing thank you" Sophia said

When everyone was done they went to play and i joined them when i finished everything and time was moving fast.

Hi everyone hope you are doing enjoying the story please  if there are any mistakes sorry and the next chapter will be updated very soon.

1305 words.

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