one last time ♡

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Y'all story ain't ending I'm still MAKING Chapter 9 sooo...Dont worry this isn't the end (≧∇≦)/ enjoy!

"hmm...I should probably visit Angel one last time..." visco thought to himself..."but I can't since I only went To heaven JUST BECAUSE I NEEDED BUSINESS THERE... UGHHHhhh" Visco whined, "Hey buddy~ did ya miss me?" Sarah said, Sarah the elegant angel ♡ "Sarah! Your here! Why are you here though...?" Visco asked, "can't I visit my best bud Oliver?" Sarah said, y'all can read chapter 5 if you want to know what Sarah is in Visco's life in the past ♡, "Sarah can you help me with something? Pretty please!" Visco begged, "hm? Why? " Sarah asked.

With angel ♡♡♡

angel groans from waking up, "ughhh...why sooo early..." Angel decided to stay in bed (of course)

Back with the duo ♡♡♡

" Want me to bring you to heaven? So you can visit a friend?" Sarah asked, "yup!" Visco said, "Oooh~ are they your Boyfriend or girlfriend~" Sarah said, "what?! Nooooo~" Visco said, "Well~ if it's for romance I'll help ya!" Sarah said happily,

In angel City ♡♡~

Visco/Oliver is dressed like an angel and he hid his demon tail and wings, "so how are you going to re-pay me?" Sarah asked, "meh...anything you want I guess" visco said.

At Angel's place~♥︎

"Alright I'll be leaving ya, Make sure you give that infinite supply of chocolate bars for a week" Sarah said while leaving, "Okay! Bye sarah!" Visco waves goodbye, He enters Angel's house and searches for him..."oh Angel! Lemme see that cute face of yours!" visco yelled

                   Angel's thoughts♡ that..? Is that...Visco...maybe that's just in my head...besides I think he's gone...- he thought to himself

Visco enters Angel's room, "Hai angel!" Visco said, "Visco...?" Angel said while looking surprised..."Did you live a healthy life without me?" Visco walks forward to Angel.."Y-you left would I Live a healthy life..?" Angel said, "hm? Did you eat healthy? Did you get some sun?" Visco asked, "no..." Angel said with a sad tone, "why not?" Visco asked, "you left me...i thought you were dead!" Angel said, "angel...Um..Im already dead.." Visco said, "oh right...sorry...I meant was I thought you were gone forever.." Angel said, "I'm sorry for leaving you! I really am! I didn't mean to upset you! I'm really sorry!!" Visco apologized, "it's okay I guess...but please don't leave me alone again.." Angel said, Visco hugs angel.."if it keeps you safe and healthy!" Visco said, angel doesn't reply and snuggles into him.."mm...i want you to sleep beside me..." Angel said with a soft tone, "oh okay!" Visco makes angel lay down and snuggles into him, "Have a good rest angel..." Visco said but Angel is already asleep ♡

MWAHAHAHAHHAH THERE WAS ACTUALLY A GOOD ENDING TO THE LAST CHAPTER >:D YOU THOUGHT HE WAS GOING TO LEAVE AGAIN? anyways chapter 9 soon~ I'm sorry if it's short also..ill try my best to make chapter 9 long... Have a good day ♡

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