it's messing w/ my head...

2 0 0

After a day or so after that incident, the relationship was getting more gray

Angel's pov:

I've been concerned about visco..he started to ignore me lately, so I thought of a date, maybe that would repair the relationship.. I shrug to myself, before visco went to work I held his wrist for a moment, "hey visco, do you want to go on a date later after work..?" I asked visco, "hm, sure" he replied, visco left for work...Now I feel bored...

After visco's work

Still in Angel's pov:

I yawn, when I saw visco when I opened my eyes, I jumped out of bed and hugged him from behind, "oh hello angel.." he sounded a little bland, "so what did you want to do in our date?" He asked, "I just wanna relax while watching movies!" I said, "oh sounds good" he said, I took visco's hand and we sat at the couch watching a movie I guess, it was awfully quiet unlike back then, visco leaned onto me and cuddled into me, "I'm getting tired.." he said, "you could sleep!" I said, he yawned and slept on my chest, he's so cute when he's sleeping....I kissed visco's forehead and turned off the tv, eventually I fell asleep...

Next day

Visco's pov:

I woke up ontop of angel, I stood up, dressed up and went out to hell, seriously hell... A hollow figure flies around was of course ocsiV... "Aww~ you didn't kiss you're lil' boyfriend goodbye~ say why don't we find Xander? Im sure he's here" OV said (I made the name shorter because it was hard to type lmao-) I sigh, "why don't we just hook up with some chicks?" I shrug "good idea, I mean angel wouldn't mind right~?" OV said, I sigh, "can you not talk about him?" I said, me and OV walk into a club in the lust ring, I took a drink, everything feels so wonky now...shit...why am I feeling stomach hurts so much..."feeling pain?" OV smiled at me, "of course I am.." I said, I stand up and decided to go back home, "oh~ are you scared that angel might Get mad~?" OV said, "shut up...I know I feel vulnerable all of a sudden when I'm around him..." I continue to walk home... "Pfft...don't get me wrong but who would think an angel would fall for a demon imbecile? Maybe they just felt...pity, for you.." OV said, I sneakily went to the bathroom and took some pills, "aww~ not those pills aga--" my head went felt nice...I went to bed and cuddled with angel..I held angel tightly, I love this silent mind... Nothing's bothering me from loving angel now...Now I could love angel all I wish, I love him...

Angel's pov:

After going to bed, I feel someone cuddling with was just visco obviously..he was busy with work so I don't blame him <3

Back to visco's pov:

I'm gonna be honest with you, OV is like a opposite AU, where me and angel were rivals...welp I know Sammy too well, I'm sure they're gonna make OV and LE (rivals AU angel) are gonna be lovers someday— anyways I'll just continue to cuddle with my love <3

Sorry again, if this chapter is short too 😰anyways 😫 I'll just see you in the next chapter, ily bye 😍

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