crossing paths

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Sorry for like not updating lmao ;-; I was thinking for the chapter for a few days and I got it! Here it is!!!

(A/N: Rivals AU is where Visco and Angel were Rivals/enemies, so like long story short, when angel met visco in this AU visco attacked)

Third pov:

At the rivals universe

"Fuck! That son of a bitch!" OV said as he exits a portal, "oh me oh my~ did he take the pills again~?" LG (Rival Angel) asked, "shut up! Why the hell are you even here?!" OV asked, "Oh visco, don't get me wrong but I just like to annoy you" LG said, "why don't you just shut up angel?" OV said, "well, why don't you just give me back my halo?!" LG said as he pushed OV In the portal, LG enters the portal, making them both where original Visco and original Angel was, "you want you're halo back?! Why don't you come and get it?!" OV shouted at LG while on the floor, Angel and Visco wakes up from the noise, "just give it back you asshole!" LG said, "Not until a Million years!" OV said, "OV..?" visco said as he looks at OV confused, "guess what you dumbass! You'll never get you're dumb halo back!" OV said to LG, "you dumb fuck!" LG said as he sits on top of Visco and starts to punch his face, "meh..just ignore them.." visco said to angel, "why do they look like us?" Angel asked visco, "just go back to bed angel.." visco said to angel, angel snuggles into visco ignoring the two fighting, "just give it back already!" LG said as tears starts to fall from his eyes, "'re crying...?" OV said confused, "just...just..just give it back.." LG said as he starts to sniffle, "Like I would feel pity" OV said as he scoffs, LG gets up and enters the portal back to they're own AU, OV stands up and enters the portal back to they're own AU, he closes the portal behind him, OV looks at the distance, LG was crying under a blossom tree, I'm sure y'all know where this is going, OV sits beside LG, "what do you want from me..?" LG asked while wiping his tears, OV handed LG a halo, "are you seriously.. giving it to me..?" LG asked, OV nods and looks away, "th-thanks" LG said, LG fixed his halo on his head, it perfectly fit, he was kinda still pure, but the halo kind of went a little bit dark, LG's smile turns into a frown knowing the halo would turn into dust..tears start to fall from his eye..just thinking of that..OV takes a deep breathe, "I'm sorry..I'm sorry for what I did to you, I know the halo is going to turn into dust soon just because of me" OV said, "it's okay I guess.." LG wipes his tears, it was really quiet, tears were still streaming down his face just because of the halo, he only wanted a partner..a special someone..but it came to this, sitting under a blossom tree beside a Demon.."hey Angel, can I take you're halo for a moment?" OV asked, "yeah sure.." LG said as he hands OV his halo, OV gets a wet tissue and starts cleaning LG's halo, the halo was just dirty from the dirt and ruckus, the halo was actually pretty shiny, OV puts the Halo on LG's head, "there, see? It's not gonna turn into dust" OV said with a little weak smile, "thanks I guess.." LG said as he wipes his tears away, "hey, can we just become friends?" OV asked LG, "sure.." LG said with a smile on his face, OV leans on LG's shoulders..

Back with the original Visco and angel-

Angel woke up beside visco, wondering if last night was a nightmare/dream or not..angel Shaked visco awake, visco groans, "what do you waaaaaaaaant?" Visco said, "why did the two people look like us last night" angel asked, "well uhm.." visco tried to come up with an excuse, "c'mon Visco, can't you just tell me what's really happening..?" Angel asked, "fine, the two were just alternate us" visco said with a shrug, "how tell..?" Angel asked, "I guess it's finally time to tell you I guess.." visco took a deep breathe "you remember Sammy? I work for them, they run a company called U.D.C, Short for 'universal demons corp' they hire trusty demons and alternate versions of Sammy, when trusty demons betray them, they are refreshed or Taken away from every drop of existence, luckily for me I'm just a mix of a trusty demon and an alternate sammy, and no I'm not actually they're cousin" visco explained, "oh..that does explains alot.." angel said, " you want to eat breakfast?" Visco asked, "yesss!" Angel said excitedly,

At the kitchen..brought to you by you're lazy ass author ;-;

The two were eating they're delicious BREAKFAST! "You're cooking is always amazing Visco!" Angel said with a happy face, a portal opens up.."Og visco!" LG said, "and Og me!" LG said while walking out of the portal Facing Visco and Angel, "I'm just starting to wo--" LG was interrupted by OV pushing me over, "Angel you little fuck! Why the hell are you using my U.T.Ps?!" OV shouted, "I'm just trying to ask The other you!" LG replied "then WHY DON'T YOU ASK ME THEN?!" OV shouted, "I'M TOO EMBARRASSED TO ASK YOU DIRECTLY!" LG said, "I do have to remind you that You're about to ask my alternate self" OV said as he raise an eyebrow, "shut up!" LG said annoyed, Angel was there just watching the two fight.. "THEN JUST ASK ME DIRECTLY-" OV argued, "Y'know what, NEVERMIND-" LG said as he pushes OV back into the portal, LG enters the portal too and closes it, "I..- I'm kind of surprised that we Normally fight in that universe.." angel said as he chuckles a little, "I'm just a little glad we're not like that though" Visco said as he gives Angel a peck on the lips, "can we cuddle after this?" Angel asked, "sure!" Visco replied..

''looks like visco got a new toy..~ sure did took him alot of time~ don't you agree~?''
'''s time for the fun to begin~!''

(Heyyy! I'm sorry the chapter is abit shoooort! But anyways I'm just glad that I finally finished this) {Words: 1097}

(By the way! This isn't still the end of <3)

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