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She was now lying on her bed, after Charlie And her Talked. She's was getting lazy Demon and began to sleep When Someone just knocked on her door, Makes her pissed for a moment And Sigh.

She walked on the door, And slightly Open to see that the Deer Demon Alastor was the one knocking.

" Alastor, My..My Why are you Doing here?."

Hel Speak With a gentle Tone And a Smile on her face And Open the door widely for alastor to come in.

" I Didn't have the chance To Talk to You, my dear.."

Alastor said Gave Her, His Usual Smile.

" Talk? About what?.."

" Is it about me Being, Disappear For 800 years?."

She Said And laugh, Another Shit Was Messing Her About that lame Stuff.

" I'm Express, As if you was reading My mind."

Alastor Comment, But Hel just smile And Sat on her Bed. For A lazy Demon Like her in any moment She could Kill this deer demon Infront of her just to gave her A sleep.

" We'll, I Take that as a compliment."

"Hmm, About that We'll Let just Say.. that I just Went to far That's why He Sealed Me."

She said with a Gentle Smile, It's Make Alastor Wants To know her more.. More..

" Went To far, you say? Hahaha, Incredible! Incredible! And who might be this guy Who sealed You?."

Alastor Asked Again, Makes Her Laugh. She stand Up And take a few Step On Alastor's Direction.

" Lucifer.. My Fellow Demon."

Her Eyes Glowed And Smiled to alastor, Alastor Felt The heavy Atmosphere And How See the Black Feathers Flow In the air.

Seeing now, The true Appearance Of Hel, A beautiful Woman with her waist are a pair of black angel wings.

Hel reached her hand to Alastor, As he also Take it, He was about to kiss it when A Wild wind surrounded Them, A black portal And souls Was come Out, screaming and shouting For help.

Hel reached her hand to Alastor, As he also Take it, He was about to kiss it when A Wild wind surrounded Them, A black portal And souls Was come Out, screaming and shouting For help

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A black Tentacles Curl around Alastor's Body, As if it was Dragging Him into their Territory. Hel was enjoying How Alastor's Eyes In terror But his smiles Are still present..

" Lovely.."

Hel, Felt Also The power of alastor Wrapping On her Body to neck, The red Smoke Was everywhere Around Her, preventing Her to escape..

She feels The heavy In her chest, Their Eyes Glowed As their Smiles More  Devilishly, feels The tension Between them..

" Now, I know Why they considered You the Symbol Of fear, Alastor.."

" Don't Flatter me, My darling."


Hel was now in the kitchen, With the other's Co Worker In the Hotel.

Vaggie, Nifty, Husk, Angel And Charlie. Alastor wasn't there Because He's The one Cooking.

" Well, Hey there big Chest Do you Have Any things That Makes the world Fun?."

Angel Dust Said As he lean His Head On Hel's Cheek, she Feels The heat Of His Breath Flowing On her cheek's.

" I can... Punch you're Head on the ground If you won't Step Back, My lovely Angel Dusk."

She Said and look at him half the eye, Seeing Her Golden Eyes Glowed.

" Chill, Big Chest.."

Angel Dusk Stuttering As he Step back, And sat properly While Everybody just smiled At the both of them.

" My Name Ain't Big chest.. It's Hel."

She empathize the Big Chest looking At him Then Smiled, She take the tea Infront of her And sip.

" Hel? You mean Hell?."

Husk Asked In his rough tone And Drink booze, Hel Stop And looked At him.

" Ah nope, Just Hel. H-E-L."

She said And raised Her three Fingers While Spelled Her name.

Everybody Was Look At the person who just came in, Alastor was holding His finest Dish. He walked on the table And placed The food, He then Sat Besides Hel.

" Say.. Hel, Does your Name has A meaning?."

Charlie said While Eating her food, Hel just look At her then Gave her a gentle Smile.

" My name’s meaning of “Hidden” surely has to do with the underworld and the dead being “hidden” or buried beneath the ground.."

She explained And Chuckle, Followed by alastor. Everyone Stop eating And stares At her.

Hel put Her Hand On the cheek's like it Was resting on it then, A pink Flattered On her Cheek's.

" I don't know Why He Just Called Me that."

She said and sigh Then Looked At them, And stand Up And was about to leave When Nifty Just Called her.

" Aren't you gonna Eat?."

" The Food was really Delicious."

Nifty Comment, But Hel just smiled.

" I don't eat my Lovely Nifty.." she said Then look away. " Even I don't eat, I won't die anyway.."


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