3: Catching Up

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Aiden at the moment is by himself in the middle of a frozen over lake training by himself with a sword. He grunts out with each swing as snow is lightly falling around him.

He is wearing a red leather tunic completely laced up as it's a rather tight fit. He swings his weapon a few more times slamming his blade down and unleashing a wave of flames destroying the ice before him.

Aiden pants lightly as he's sweating with his red hair moving with the chilly wind but he's mostly warm.

"Malakai's words really got to you huh?" Athorazen asks in Aiden's mind.

"Pretty sure they got to you as well." Aiden says unleashing a wave of explosions from his hands destroying the ice.

Aiden flies up to avoid falling in as he uses ice magic to refreeze the lake, a rare instance.

"Yeah sure but you're definitely bothered by it more than I am." Athorazen says with Aiden holding his blade in reverse grip.

Aiden sighs somewhat and sits down on the ice.

"Cause Malakai has a point, there's no place for us in Hell and if things don't work out here? Well... There's no home for something like us." Aiden explains hugging his legs up to his chest.

Athorazen can taste the doubt and self loathing from Aiden.

"Aiden we have a home, it's up to us to keep it that way." Athorazen replies hoping this assures Aiden.

Aiden tries thinking of a response but his attention is gained seeing Petra come out of the woods and stop before the ice.

Aiden gets up and walks up to her while sheathing his blade.

"There you are, I'm guessing your training with Malakai wasn't that great?" Petra asks with her brown hair being tied back into a pony tail.

Aiden motions to walk with her which she agrees to.

"Malakai is a... Honest teacher to a fault." Aiden says with Petra looking at him.

"He just wants to make sure you're ready." Petra says but Aiden stops in his tracks.

Petra looks back and has a feeling what Aiden's about to say.

"I'll never be ready, especially when it comes to fighting my father... I stand no chance, I'm weak." Aiden says harshly on himself.

Petra walks up to Aiden putting her hands on his cheeks as he looks her in the eyes.

"Why? Cause you lost? You stood up to him and made the right choice, that's what matters." Petra says soothingly feeling the warmness from Aiden.

Aiden looks away removing Petra's hands from his face.

"During that day? Sure but now... It won't mean anything if we lose this, if I can't-" Aiden says but is turned around forcefully by Petra.

"You're not alone in this Aiden." Petra getting real close to him.

Aiden looks down at her seeing the determination, something he can't help but admire.

"I just..." Aiden says with Petra pulling him along forcefully.

"Remember when you asked if I ever could forgive you? Well... I do." Petra says surprising Aiden but he stops himself.

"Why?" He questions.

Petra looks at him sighing.

"Cause I know I wouldn't be any better if I was in your position... I judged you every night before I slept but... No normal person could willingly admit to that, they'd be afraid." Petra says pulling Aiden into a gentle hug.

Age Of Huntsman: A Day Of Dawn (Book 3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin