6: The Encounter

18 6 1

1079 AP (after Phoenix)
White Wolf 13th
Elvaria, Bear Tribe

Lexington currently is in a makeshift tent shifting around in his sleep when he feels a gentle hand take his. He seemingly awakes finding himself in a forest, quickly getting to his feet he looks around at the serene setting and feels a sense of nostalgia.

"Lex?" A familiar feminine voice questions forcing Lexington to turn around with his eyes widen seeing a red headed woman with a pale complexion, recognizing her as Robyn.

Lexington examines Robyn who is looking up at him curiously.

"Robyn." Lexington blurts out.

"Ready?" Robyn questions with Lexington nodding and walking with her through the forests. "You walk as if Aiglia is gazing down on you, what's wrong?"

Lexington groaned having to speak his worries.

"I don't like you practicing magic in open areas, it brings unnecessary risk love." Lexington points earning an amused scoff from Robyn.

"I practice away from civilization for a reason Lex, you don't need to worry." Robyn assures starting to jog a bit.

Lexington sighs keeping up with Robyn soon arriving at a cave. Robyn smirks pulling Lex along as she lights her palm with fire giving some much needed light.

Robyn finds a good place lighting the entire area with Lex looking on with his arms crossed. Robyn begins training her magic, particularly fire as it's become her favorite.

"You gonna keep brooding love?" Robyn asks while focusing on her movements.

"I don't mean to... Hm." Lexington replies as Robyn spins into his grasp wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Lex... You don't need to worry, I'm not going anywhere." Robyn says.

Lexington looks down hearing this as that's not something he'd want to hear.

"You can't make promises Robyn, you never know with-" Lexington tries explaining but he's shoved to the ground and straddled by Robyn.

Lexington looks at the pale woman on top of him seeing her confident smirk.

"You don't think I can uphold promises huh? Watch me." Robyn says leaning down to kiss Lex.

Lexington however is awoken by Deiratos at the entrance of his tent holding a standard sword.

"Up you go Huntsman, we're ready." Deiratos says leaving him to get up.

Lexington grunts standing up and stretches out till he cracks his back. Lexington grabs Tempest in it's sheath attaching it to his hip. He exits his tent met with the cold as he puts his hood up finding the elf trio by a massive sled.

"What's with the sled?" Lexington questions to Hyga.

"The storm is at a point where it'd be dangerous to travel separately so we're all riding in a sled." Hyga replies.

"Won't that be heavy on the mounts?" Lexington asks barely catching a breath due to the weather.

Hyga looks to his right seeing Ayra pulling along two bears who roar in annoyance with Deiratos petting them to calm them down.

"You use bears as sled mounts!?" Lexington questions in shock.

"They're powerful animals, good thing they're loyal to us." Hyga says motioning to sit himself in the sled.

Lexington does so seeing Ayra applying the sled to the bears who whine clearly annoyed by the weather which is saying something.

"Shh girls, you'll be okay." Deiratos says affectionately calming them down a bit. Deiratos takes position on the sled as he'll be guiding them. "Ha!" Deiratos exclaims causing to begin running through the storm.

Age Of Huntsman: A Day Of Dawn (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now