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The Reign of King Jaehaerys I

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The Reign of King Jaehaerys I

When you become a Septa, you lose your family, your mother, your father — all in exchange for holy vows and servitude of the seven gods. Jaehaerys' daughter became a Septa and he lost her forever, not until a daughter was born from the blood of his grandson. The Peace King held the girl high and named her Maegelle, after the daughter he lost to the gods. 

Maegelle Targaryen was nothing like her namesake, nothing like the Princess turned Septa who was obedient and dutiful. At first, the servants laughed behind her back — finding her black hair common and ugly, telling everyone that she was more of an Arryn than she was a Targaryen. King Jaehaerys didn't care — he did not care for her hair that was as dark as the shadows of Old Valyria. In his heart, Maegelle was his only grand-child — second to Daenerys. 

The King held her in his lap, teaching her about the dealings of his court. "One day, all of this will be yours." he smiled much to the dismay Queen Alysanne. "Jae, do not utter such nonsense — our boy Aemon lives and he will be King." she scolded him and he chuckled lightly, finding her annoyance attractive. 

"Our Maegelle will be Queen — it does not matter if it is in her own right or not." he replied with a small grin, while petting her hair lightly. His pride and his joy — moulded into one being. Alysanne smiles back, her eyes looking dotingly on the small child. She reminded the Good Queen of her first daughter — Daenerys whose smile brightened the whole room. 

"She is destined for greatness," the Queen announced allowing her voice to echo across the room, intending for every lord and lady to hear their conversation. They needed to fear the small girl and her black hair, for it would be the head that would wear the Crown of Kings. 


Maegelle's mouth turns upside-down, watching the people around her whisper loudly. She's never seen this many people at court before. "I want to go home," she hides her face in the robes of her septa, earning a sigh from her uncle. Her eyes look at him with newfound curiosity. Maegelle always found her uncle interesting. Her father always told her about his adventures along the narrow sea — everyone called him the Rogue Prince and Maegelle wanted to be a Rogue Princess. 

"Brother, it would be best to send your daughter to her chambers. This is no place for a child," Daemon spat staring at the little girl whose gowns were stained with some sort of candy. Viserys sighs while holding his wife's hand. 

"King Jaehaerys ordered for her to remain here." Aemma replies while pulling his daughter beside her — while rubbing comforting circles unto her stomach. "She won't bother you, my prince." she whispers while kneeling down and placing a kiss on the Princess' head. 

Daemon looks away and turns his attention back on the court. He bore no love for the Princess whose more Arryn than she is Targaryen. At least none yet. 

Maegelle's attention was turned towards Princess Rhaenys feeling the hot glare pierce holes unto her head. Her father's cousin was never kind with her, she always saw her as competition. She takes a deep breath, burying her face in her mother's gown. She couldn't understand why she was so nervous — but truly it was the dragon inside of her warning her. 

The King reaches for the chest and takes the papyrus inside of it. This held the fate of the realm — it would determine the ruler after him. He takes a deep breath, locking eyes with his great-grandchild. It took a fool to create a dynasty, but a wise man to maintain it. He unrolls it slowly, trying to prepare himself for the news to come. 

His lips quiver. 

"Prince Viserys Targaryen, grandson of King Jaehaerys." He reads out loud, trying to ignore his wife's disbelief. He knew that it should have been Rhaenys — that it always should have been his granddaughter. He turns his head and sees the court erupt into cheers. 

It was a small price to pay for peace. A price that Jaehaerys knew all too well. 


"Read to me, Saera" Jaehaerys weak voice says to his favorite great-granchild, and she moves enthusiastically to the foot of his bed. This was one of their favorite ways in passing time, just reading to each other and feeling the fireplace beside them flicker and dance. 

Maegelle clears her throat in a childish manner, earning a small chuckle from the weak king. He was growing weak — his mind slowing down until he couldn't even remember her name. He believed that she was Saera — that she was his daughter that he banished from court. 

"I am not Saera," she replied while placing her hand in his face. She was a child of six, but most of these days  — she was the King's caretaker. Jaehaerys' eyes walked around the room, his eyes swelling with tears. "Oh Saera! I have done you wrong," he cried out and she holds her breath. It hurt her to see him this way. "It's alright." she paled lightly, thinking that the worse was about to befall her beloved grandfather. 

When Jaehaerys' cries stopped, and she placed her head unto his chest. Hearing his breath and the slow thumping of his heart. 

Maegelle fell into deep sleep. 

When she woke up, maids surrounded her, pulling her away from her great-grandfather. Then, they proclaimed her father as King. 

And she was sent to the Vale — never to return. 



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