reflections on self-control

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a cormorant flickers across the water

a flying fish skimming the surface

at ease with itself wingtips

causing ripples

ever so often

the bird's sinuous form never slipping

below the glassy lake

yet never rising above it, far above and unable to see

shadows of minnows

in balance in parallel

a girl leans close to the mirror

the reflection drawing her in

in side so close that her

held breath

held tight in her knotted chest

fogging the glass

she picks and pulls

tugging at herself

undoing peeling pushing

tearing away the skin to let a new

baby-soft fresh layer appear

each darkened pore is examined

and excised nails act like scalpels

that worm out the rot within flesh

each spiral of oil that emerges

eases the knot loosens her insides

she is alice looking so deep

she falls through the glass to follow

a mad hatter of desire

a gunshot echoes trembles the lake

duck hunters.

the cormorant dips ever so slightly

soaks its wings in a missed beat misstep

a door slams downstairs

shakes the paper-thin housewalls

the girl is torn away from

herself back to her self

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