Our baby 🧿❤️

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Here we go



We are pregnant for the second time and it was indeed the best news I've heard...
There would be another little one in our family our Alyja's little sibling. It was the bestest unexpected news...

"I want to abort it" and those five words broke my bubble. Did I heard something wrong? No she just actually said it?

"Huh what? You are kidding me right?" I asked.

"Do I look like that I am kidding Aly huh?" She was sounding serious there wasn't any kind of emotion on her face..

"Aly I don't know how did this happen after taking the precautions!" She started then took a deep breath." I don't want it neither I am ready for another baby" she further added.

"Jasmin I guess you are just tensed because of all this! Think calmly abortion isn't the way to make everything fine" I tried to make her understand softly.

"Aly I am 100% sure that I don't want this baby,  , and Alyja is enough for us as well as I have my career left now I don't think I can handle another baby " this time she yelled angrily.

"But Jasmin we will han--" she interrupted in between" I thought you would understand  my problem Aly but here you are trying to force me for it" and she left leaving me baffled ..

Surely we didn't plan it but abortion seriously? At the time of Alyja we wanted it we planned for it and this time it happened unexpectedly but she wasn't at all happy..

And what she said at last that I was forcing her for this, like seriously Jasmin?

I sat down holding my head....


2 Day's later

It's been two day's we weren't really in talking terms no one knows about this.

It was killing me, I hate it when we fight or argue instead of communicating calmly ..

Hearing a footsteps I looked up to found Jasmin walking inside the room... She locked the door and went to restroom after taking out her night dress.. I had to talk to her, we just couldn't behave like a total stranger for no reason and tonight even Alyja was sleeping with mom dad so I had a chance...

And then as expected she came and laid on her side turning her back to me.. sometimes I just wanted to yell my guts out on her..

"Jasmin" I called placing my plam on her right arm.." Jasmin we need to talk" I further added and she turned towards me staring at me.

"Why are you distancing yourself from me?" I whispered out staring into her eyes..
"I am not" her answer was curt which made me sigh.

Taking a deep breath I said
"If you want to ab--abort the b---baby then I am fine with it " I let out finally thought I hated those words but I said it because for me Jasmin meant more than anything.

"Huh?" She was unsure" Yes Jasmin you can do anything you want I won't Stop you " I said gently tucking her hair strands behind her ear which was teasing her cheeks..

I didn't want to force her for anything she has a career and she was right at her place we didn't plan so it's better if Jasmin abo--- ahhhh...

"I had a talk with doctor and she gave me the date after tomorrow" My heart started beating in abnormal pace. Day after tomorrow our symbol would be gone forever, my eyes fell on her flat stomach and my hand ached to touch it which I controlled...
"How many months?" I asked as I didn't know anything about it.

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