Chapter 18

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 18– Business.


"Good morning, Gilderoy," Andromeda says as she walks into my office early in the morning, ready for another hard day of work. For her, that is, not me since I usually just relax and enjoy myself. I am here quite early as well, before her for once, but that shouldn't be that surprising since I live in the building. Honestly, I got sick of living in my previous home. Everywhere I looked, I had memories there that were constantly bombarding me, and even though they were entirely under my control, I wouldn't say I liked it. Plus, I had spent months on end in that place, and I had even kept a prisoner there.

Overall, just a lot of bad memories there. I couldn't go anywhere near the fireplace without wincing from recalling the amount of torturing curses I received in front of it, so yeah, I moved out. I didn't sell the place, however, partly afraid that someone somehow would discover my secrets from it (with magic, duh), plus it would be good to have a secret place to hide anything or anyone in the future.

"Good morning to you as well, Andromeda, radiant as ever. How are you this fine day?" I reply from my chair, leaning back on it so it was on two legs like I was an unruly child back in school again and resting my legs on top of my desk. I must say, this new home of mine is exquisite, the location is good, and I got it relatively cheap as well. I am very pleased with the direction my new life is taking me, and it is only going to get better.

The location of my new business and home is in a prime location and is surrounded by good businesses as well, which will drag in more people to our area. To the left of my store is the Owl Post Office, perfect for when we need to send off letters since we are right next door, and plenty of other people will be sending their messages from there as well, giving us heavy foot traffic.

To the left of that is then the magical playground. Plenty of mothers, children and Hogwarts students are always around there, and to the left of that is a building which is not actually a store, but Ollivanders workshop, where he makes wands and does repairs, and then to the left of that is his actual store. In comparison to the left, the right side isn't as good since it is only one store, and it is the Shrunken Head Bowling Alley. And yes, it is just as weird as it sounds and not an odd zany name for a regular place, but then again, when in the wizarding world, isn't abnormal actually the norm.

I am guessing that someone, probably a muggle-born, came back to the wizarding world after seeing a muggle bowling alley and thought that it would be a good idea to make one here. But, of course, since we are wizards, we decided that instead of using bowling balls, we would rather use shrunken heads as bowling balls. So, if I were to hedge a bet, the original guy with this business idea was a muggle-born, but he had neither the capital nor the clout to bring it to fruition, so he was backed by someone, most likely a half-blood who introduced the more wacky aspects.

I have yet to have the chance to properly check it out since I have been so busy, but I am definitely planning to one of these days. The place just sounds so interesting. Do you put your two fingers in the eye sockets and then your thumb in the mouth? I have so many questions. Anyway, getting back on topic. Instead of there being another shop to the right of the magical bowling alley, it is instead the entrance to Knockturn Alley, something I would have thought would have a negative effect on the stores surrounding it.

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