Chapter 65

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 65- Theories.


Yeah, so remember when I cut that weird, sexy monster lady in my mind in half and then crushed her to death and thought that would be the end of that. Well, surprise, surprise, it wasn't. Yeah, I went back in and found that bitch in my head again, this time in a different location entirely. In the middle of a cornfield, where it looked like some sort of altruistic ritual or some shit was going to occur, blood symbols were painted around the place. Thankfully, it was only the day after I had gotten rid of her, and nothing had managed to corrupt the mind I had restored, but still, if I had not checked, then it would have.

Already having figured out the rules and how she worked, I quickly got rid of her again. But of course, it happened once, so most likely, it will happen again. Somehow, she had gotten in my mind again, and I didn't even really go near anywhere or interact with anything that could have done it, which verily confused me. But yeah, knowing she would somehow come back again, and if this time she was hidden better, I couldn't find her, I put a trap for her. I didn't know how it was getting into my mind, but I could only assume that if I left a weak spot and a noticeable gap for it, it would take it. This thing is not that intelligent.

The next day, I checked my mind again and was pleased to see my trap had worked. I had left a gap that wasn't actually a gap as it was a trap. And the very clearly non-sentient thing fell for it hook, line, and sinker. It slithered in, and given the way I had set the trap, I felt it. It woke me up in the middle of the night, and I immediately checked. And checking my trap, I found the woman trapped in a box, which I had in a void, separate from the rest of my mind. I made sure to not leave any leeway for her to do anything and tightened the box around her further and further until she burst into mist, the box becoming a small cube about fifteen centimetres on all sides, the inside full of black smoke. It was trapped.

Still, this thing was in my mind, and it would keep coming every night, apparently. My only option was to trap it, but that still does not deal with the problem at hand. What is this thing that was affecting my mind? I could not just carry on in good faith and ignore it, thinking I would be lucky enough for nothing to go wrong. I need to find out what this is. And I need to deal with it.

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