Chapter 31

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 31– Emotionless.


Blood coats my entire upper body. Caking my face so much that it feels like my face is covered in some type of syrup. My eyes are closed, unable to see. The blood doesn't bother me at all. Still, even with my emotions shut off, I don't particularly want another man's blood getting into my eyes or into my body. Some things just shouldn't mix. And I don't want anything that belongs to another man inside of me. Ever.

A second later, I feel a weight crash down on top of me, and the blood starts to really get everywhere. I close my lips tight, unwilling to ingest any. It was a wonder that his body had stayed propped up so long before falling down, but I guess it is like a headless chicken keeps moving after having its head chopped off. A guy can stay standing for a while after having his throat slit, even with nobody really home. Who knew? I do now.

Feeling even more blood slowly seeping out of the carcass above me, I manage to work my two hands up onto the shoulders, even with my eyes shut and push him up a little. And then I throw him to my right, his body tumbling to the ground next to me. I then go to wipe the blood off of my face, moving my hands over my face, but nothing I do seems to have any effect.

I quickly start wading my hands around in the puddle of blood I find myself lying in. I had let go of my wand when Raputin had fallen on top of me, and now I am trying to find it. Finally, my hand skims against wood and I hurriedly move my fingers back over to that area in search. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time left before someone comes to investigate. We made a lot of noise, after all, and caused quite a lot of damage.

With my bloody wand in hand, I find myself thinking a lot more focused and critically. And then I remember exactly how I had altered my mind. I had removed all emotion except for desire and want. I focused that purely on my wand and magic so that I could pull it to myself, and other than that, I focused on survival. With the wand now in hand, I am thinking critically and know I need to act quick. I can't waste any more time pondering on the quirks and oddities of this man's death.

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