Chapter 71

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Chapter 71- Salazar's Spellbook.


Looking down at the unconscious form of Harry Potter with tear marks running down his face, I can't help but feel a little bad. I mean, I did play it up a little bit there at the end because there would be no consequences, but I didn't think... I didn't think. To be honest, I was just having a bit of fun after a stressful situation and having suffered the torture curse at his hand, I know I told him to do it, but it hurt like a bitch, and I wanted a little payback. Sue me; I am a vindictive guy.

And it's not like the things I said were untrue; I just said it in the meanest possible way. I did plan on the stuff, eventualy, they were definitely thoughts rattling around in my head. Also, I don't think I have had the chance to be totally honest and truthful since I came to this world, no, scratch that, since ever. I've never been able to trust anyone, being a former foster kid jumping between places, and I've never been honest. And then here came Harry Potter, the hero of the story.

Sure, I could have told any of the people I met before and then mind whammy and make them forget it, any of the women I have slept with, but it just wasn't the same. I couldn't tell Andromeda or Tonks because I have never used mind magic on them apart from some cursory scans and reading but no messing around, and if I told them, I would have to make them forget. But Harry, Harry was different for some reason. I can't even really say why.

Maybe it's because he is the main character or something, but telling him was different, and I was going to erase his memories anyway, so it worked out. Then it got a little mean because I remembered the pain of the Cruciatus, and I got a little mean-spirited. Like messing with your nephew, he's related to you, but he's not your kid, so you're in that lovely spot where you can fuck with him; at least, that's what I saw in some of the foster families I had. Though I don't think you would tell your nephew, you were going to fuck his dead mother... Let's ignore this for now.

Honestly, I wouldn't have brought Harry here if I didn't have to, but I can't speak snake, and this time, when trying to track down the Diadem, it led me here, so I brought Harry. I knew the Diadem wasn't here, but when I lit those three pyres and entered this room and saw the black door of snakes, I knew something was there, and I wanted to know what it was. And since it was a snake door, I figured Parselmouth, so I brought Harry. I faked that thing with Malfoy, blamed it on him and gave him detention and then secretly brought him here. Stupid Ron thought he was coming, but obviously, I shut that down.

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