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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 50- Deathday.


Well, it is Halloween, and that means it was the time for the first snake attack victim. And, having given my mind a good review, I remembered that the first victim would actually not be a human but a cat. Mrs Filch, to be exact, no, that's not right. Mrs Norris? Yeah, Mrs Norris. It might seem at times that Argus Filch is married to his cat, but that isn't possible. Well, not in this era in time. He could wait a good twenty to thirty years, and then he could probably do it.

Anyway, Mrs Norris would be petrified tonight, on Halloween. Or Samhain or All Hallows Eve, whatever you want to call it. Now, this is an area where there is some fog for me as from the movie, I knew that the attack was supposed to happen on Halloween after Harry's detention with me. But given that that detention has been and gone, this is new territory. Frankly, this attack could happen anywhere in the castle at any time tonight, and I wouldn't know. Now, I know I said I was going to do whatever I wanted, but the thing I want most is to not die tonight, so I am going to play this safe.

I could have gone to the great hall and joined the feast, but the feast ends at some point, and then everybody has to leave, and who is to say the attack won't happen after that. No, right now, the safest place to be is near Harry Potter. Because he will be the one to discover Mrs Norris, therefore he will not be there or anywhere near the bloody Basilisk. I mean, I could just hunker down in my own room, but apparently, the Basilisk moves through the pipes and magical openings or some shit, so it could theoretically just pop into my room. Plus, with Tom Riddle at the helm, I am going to assume this snake can go anywhere and everywhere unfettered.

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