School! (part2)

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After i told them my name i asked them if they had question's and shockingly everyone's hand's goes up.

Y/N: Um....You in the back boar head!

Inosuke:"The name is Inosuke! What breathing do you use?"

Y/N:" OH! it's called Angle breathing! I learned it from my parent's....who are dead....

The class look's at me in shock and I quickly smile letting them know i'm ok, I then see a girl flip a coin and then she raises her hand.

Y/N: You in the butterfly in her hair what's your question?"

Kanao:"Where did you get the angle hairclip?"

Y/N:" This? my dad made it as a gift befor they died and now i wear it every day!  Ok anymore question's?"

I then see Zenitsu raise his hand and i call on him.

Zenitsu:"Are you single?"

I then blush and try to hide my face as the class stare's.

Y/N:"y-yes...o-okay i'm going to sit down"

I walk to my desk and everyone was looking at me,( did i do something wrong? uuugh i want a redo!)

Rengoku:"OK class today we are doing math! Turn to page 236!

As i start to do my math i turn the page and answer a few question's and then i hear someone sniffing(are they crying?)

i then look to the person next to me and it was Genya, He was trying not to cry because he was stuck on a problem( So cute! I should help him befor anyone see's him like this).

Y/N:"Psst Genya"

He then turn's to look at me trying to hide his face.


Y/N:" you need to add the Y and divide the X there"

He then look's at the problem and back at me and then back to the problem and start's to write down the answer.


I then hear the bell ring it was time for lunch i got up and walked over to Nezuko.

Y/N:"Hi Nezuko senpai can i eat with you?


We then walk to a table and the four boy's sit with us, I then remember something.

Y/N:"Hey boy's what happened to you guy's befor class?"

Tanjiro:"Well I was chased by Tomioka Sensei because i broke the dress code by wearing my earing's, Zenitsu was scolded by Shinobu Sensei because he was telling some girl's that there skirt's are to long and they need to be shorter and Inosuke was breaking school property again.

I look at him in shock and try not to laugh.

Y/N:"Pffffft! so what happened to you Genya? You where all red befor class."

Genya:O-oh was hot that's all...


I walk into the school following the girl's until Tengen sensei pulled me aside.

Tengen:"Hey Genya who's the new girl?

Genya:"O-oh her? That's um...Y/n-san...

He then give's me a look and then smirk's

Tengen:"You think she's cute huh? Well she is eye catching don't get me wrong i hope she's single"

I then feel my face heat up and Tengen sensei pull's me to face him

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