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~~~~~~~THE NEXT DAY! OwO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up to a bird singing at my window( wait scratch that....it's a dove).

The dove look's at me and fly's to my desk and coo's at me, I didn't want to get pup but i had too.

Y/N: "uuuuugh i'm coming just hang on."

i fall off my bed and crawl on the floor groaning still half asleep in a big Teeshirt and short's( due to someone complaining about my pj's *cought*Sake*cought* Stupid wind hashira *cought cought*)  And then i slowly got up and shuffled to my desk, I then see two envelope's on the dove's foot and take them off.

Y/N:"wut's this? is this for me?"

The dove nodded and left tru the window.

Y/N:"well that was weird"

I look at the envelope's one was black and another was blue, i decided to open the black one first because it looked like death himself sent it to me, I then read it aloud to myself.

Y/N:"Hello fellow demon slayer we congratulate you ON PASSING THE EXAM! 

I squeal loudly and then continue reading.

Y/N:" The dove will be your messenger bird for the following

~ Mailing people.



~ Corpse event's.

To call your dove use the whistle to call her also her name is Halo."

I then look in the envelope and a small white whistle with a gold chain was in there and i put it around my neck and continue to read once more.

Y/N:"Also someone will be dropping off your sword next week and today is Halloween so make sure to get a costume for today's event at 5pm to 10pm there will be games,haunted houses, and much more! Thank you for reading this message 

- Miko Jizzuru corpse's info teller"

I then was smiling like crazy and open the blue envelope and read it aloud once more.

Y/N:" hey it's Tanjiro Nezuko wanted to know if you and Genya wanted to go costume shopping for the Halloween event we will meet at 10:30, Zenistu and Inosuke are coming to anyway's hope i see you there y/n!

~ Tanjiro Kamado"

I Then run to Genya's room and burst tru the door and wave the envelope in my hand.

Y/N:"GENYAAAA! Wanna go costume shopping with Tanjiro and the rest of the gang!?'

I then look at him and pause, He had no shirt on and only had his pant's on( OH SHIT! shitshitshit he's gonna kill me! But those ab's...WAIT! nononono stop y/n just stop he's about to kill you right now!) I then walk out off his room and start to talk like crazy and explain befor he killed me.

Y/N:"i-i'm so sorry! i was just to exited and um...I just wanted to know ahahahaha...Um let me know when your done uh...getting dressed!"

I then close the door and ran to the kitchen with a pink face ( AAAAH! he was glaring at me! and his face was super red to! He was soooo mad! Thank god i'm still alive! Ok time to make breakfast for Sanemi and Genya).

GENYA'S POV 5 minute's ago

I wake up to someone squealing and i knew it was y/n because my brother can't squeal that loud i then got up and start to change until my door busted open.

Y/N: "GENYAAAA! Wanna go costume shopping with Tanjiro and the rest of the gang!?

I then look at her and i can feel heat rise to my face because not only do i not have a shirt off but she was wearing a big Teeshirt that barely cover her whole body and it looked like she had no short's, I then see her start to walk out of my room Rambling.

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