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A/N: So, a new story for a new life... If you don't know why I wrote this story, let me tell you: I love cycling! Inspired by a team of cyclist who came to my country to race! Picture in Multimedia: Specialized Mclaren Venge -A sexy Beast- Enjoy!

© 2013 SekYeeTing. All Rights Reserved.



Thunder deafened my ears while lightning blinded my eyes. I never thought that my house can be on fire during a raining day.

“Dad!” I screamed while trying to break free from my uncle’s strong hold on my arm. My dad was inside the house, no doubt trying to save his precious bikes. I wanted to help him but my uncle towed me outside with my mom.

“Ashton!” My uncle yelled over the loud cracking of the thunder. “Don’t!”

“Let go, uncle,” I begged, struggling to push my uncle away. I need to save my dad, I have to. Although he cared more about his bike, Specialized Mclaren Venge, he was still my dad. “Dad!” I screamed again and ran to my mom who slumped on the ground.

My uncle reluctantly let go of his hand on my arm. My mom was sobbing quietly as she reached for me. I held her like she was the child and not me while tears welled up in my eyes.

“Boys are not supposed to cry, Ashton, remember that!” Father had warned me once when he caught me sobbing after I lost a race to a neighbor.

Quickly, I wipe away the tears which were collecting and stood up. My mom didn’t glance at me as I charged into the house. My uncle won’t be able to stop me now. I ran with my might into our crumbling house.

Heat erupted all over me as soon as I stepped into the living room. Fires were licking everything they can reach; tables, chairs and other ornaments. I don’t even recognize this place anymore, not with all the fires all around.

I had to cover my mouth so I don’t suck in too much of the smoke and faint right there. Blinking back tears, I headed for the room where my dad kept all the bikes. It was just next to his bedroom which was on the right of the hallway.

The ceiling was going to collapse soon and I had to save my dad. I kicked aside the fallen chunk of wood from the ceiling before entering the room. What I saw first was my dad, on the ground, unconscious but clutching his precious bike. I went to him, or rather, crawled as the fire was devouring the walls above me.

“Dad,” I called loudly, shaking his body roughly but he still lay there still. No, it can’t be. I started to shake him harder but I was feeling my strength drench out of me. “Dad!” I sobbed. “Don’t, don’t, don’t do this to me!” I couldn’t control the tears now as they flow rapidly down my cheeks while I screamed for my dad over and over again, ignoring the heat that was trying to melt everything down. “I am only ten, dad, you can’t leave me!”

As soon as I said that, something hit the back of my head and I fell into the void below me that appeared out of nowhere. I dropped on top of my dad and his bike as I could feel my dad’s soft flesh and the smooth surface of the bike.

At that exact moment, I knew where my life will start and end. 

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