Chapter 6- New Yorkian? {Picture of Theo}

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Hello fellow readers! So, go on reading, commenting and VOTING~! WARNING: May contain swear words!


“How did you find me?” The question itself was already on my lips as I turned to Carlos. The entire member of Omega Pharma’s -except Devon- was behind me. All dressed in the same jersey and smiling wickedly at me.

“You told us to stalk you,” Theo answered with a light shrug. “Let’s have breakfast together!”

“C’mon,” Carlos begged when I didn’t say anything. “You are already on our team! Ashley signed you up yesterday!”

I glanced at my bike for a moment as they stood there, awaiting for my answer. My bike seemed to nod in approval at me. It won’t hurt to join them right? My bike communicated with me.

“Fine,” I sighed and Carlos carried my bike away from me. I was about to protest but watching him lifting it ever so gently like he was afraid it will break if he held it too hard, I shut my mouth. He cared a lot about bikes too, just like me. “What is the time for the conference?”

“Woah, look at his bike! It’s a McLaren!” Carlos exclaimed as he pushed my bike on the ground towards the exit.

“Let’s get into the car first,” Ashley said, glancing around nervously. “I don’t like the feeling in here,”

My eyes were darting around the hotel for threats but only found women staring at us surreptitiously. I laughed mentally at Ashley’s behaviour. She must have spent little time with these kinds of people.

“Where should we eat?” Theo asked and put an arm around my shoulder, like we were long lost friends. I was never used to these kinds of people as I was alone all my life. Even I was in a cycling team, I had never gotten well with any members of the team.

“Dan?” Noah asked. “You’re an American; you should know where the perfect place to have breakfast is!”

“I am only half-American, moron!” Dan slapped Noah’s shoulder roughly and it made Noah stumbled forward but did not fall. “Sorry,”

“Who said so? Your name is Daniel Steve Moreno! You’re a pure American!” Noah retorted.

“So not-“Dan began to open his mouth but Carlos got back to us and shut him up by staring at him. “What?”

“You have something on your face,” Carlos gave him an evil grin and smacked Dan’s cheek. Dan yelped and caused quite a commotion in the hotel. Everyone turned to us, their faces carried a curious expression.

“F*ck you,” Dan swore and he rubbed his cheek where Carlos had hit him. I had to stifle a laugh or else I would get f*cked by Dan too but Theo didn’t bother to hide his laugh.

He towed me ahead of the group and laughed out loud when we exited the hotel main entrance. There was a long, black limousine parked in front of us and I noticed a white van with Omega Pharma’s logo on its side.  That must be the van that carried the team’s bicycles.

He opened the door for me like he was a servant. He bowed as I climbed into the car. I had never met anyone like him before. No one gives a shit about me at all and yet, he was willing to do all this stuff for me. Will he have some ulterior motives?

The limousine was a hell of a big car. It was so big; everyone can fit it and still have a large space! The air in the car was thick with leather’s scent.

Devon was seated opposite me, reading some magazines with lights shining onto him from above.  Theo got in beside me and followed by Carlos while Dan, Noah and Ashley sat with Devon. All of us were staring at each other.

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