Chapter 3-The Members {Picture of Ashton}

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Picture in Multimedia: Ashton Hunter! A Sexy Beast too.

Chapter 3

Okay, to tell you the truth, I was going to nod. Every guy will say yes if they ever saw her. All she wore was tight red dress that was almost nude to me. Her shape of body was shown so clearly you didn’t have to look at her for a long time to see her shape.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have the mood right now. Yes, I was a player and a heart breaker but the only heart I won’t break was my bike’s heart. 

Female population jumped at me without hesitating because of my looks. Sometimes, I let them in because I need pleasures once a while. Although cycling was not famous among women -yet- they still go crazy over me like I was a very famous singer or an actor.

“Sorry, pretty,” I gave her my best charming smiles but the part where that ugly man punch me hurts when I did that. “Today isn’t my best night,”

“Give me a call?” She leaned to me and slid her hand into my left pocket; her perfume was so light and it made my head spin for a moment. “I will see you soon, handsome,”

“Sure,” I shrugged lightly as the lift’s bell ding once, indicating that it has arrived. I pushed my bike in and close the door lift before anyone can enter. The group of girls seemed dumbstruck by the beautiful lady and they stayed where they stood from just now.

I enter the lift while looking at my room card to check whether which floor it was situated. At once, the lift shot up when I pressed the button with number five on it. Staggering, I held my bike tighter as we went up.

Few seconds later, the door open and I stepped out, turning my head left to right like I was trying to cross a busy road. Turning left (because the only way to go was left), I caught sight of a couple, making out in the corridor and that guy was practically licking all her skin. My stomach churned as I passed them.

At last, I reached my room –No.520-, tapping the card on the sensor and opened the door. A heavy scent of roses seeped into my nose and I almost got choked by it. I swallowed my saliva, hard and parked my bike beside the single bed.

It was a normal room with only a bathroom, a bed, a small television and a full-length mirror. There were windows but no balcony. Of course, who would want a balcony when they didn’t have time to look at the scenery of the city? They will stay up whole night but they won’t have time at all besides making love.

The room was warmer than I imagined it to be. The hotel manager purposely did this so the couples can get to work much more quickly. It was also plain looking except with picture of roses hanging near the mirror.

I had turned on the air-conditioner before sweat can even form on my skin. Leaping on the bed and I folded my arm over the back of my head while staring at the pure white ceiling, my mind wandering back to my dad.

Shutting my eyelids, I dozed off.

I found myself lying in deep darkness with nothing around be except blackness. Suddenly, I saw bright light up ahead of me and it made me reach for it like a moth heading for a flame. The sudden light blinded my eyes and I had to cover it with my hands.

Shadow moved in front of me and it looked familiar. “Dad?” I called out when my eyes had adjusted to the surrounding. I was in my house, the house that burned during a rainy day. But now, it was completely fine and standing firmly on the ground. The furniture was still in place and everything was perfect.

I heard my mom in the kitchen as plates were clattering in that room. My uncle was chatting on the phone while I saw my dad walking into the room where he kept his entire bike frames.

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