Chapter 9-Father of Every Women

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A/N: Hello fellow readers who's into cycling! I'm sorry for taking so long to upload as I have school now! I'm really really sorry! So, here's chapter 9! Hope you enjoy~

Chapter 9

“Belgium?” I asked softly. We were going there right now. That fast? The fact about me entering Omega Pharma had finally hit me. I was going to join the top fifth world cycling team for real. “You got my ticket already?”

“Private plane, mate,” Dan answered while grinning. “We don’t need tickets at all,”

Noah was opening his mouth to say something but Theo interrupted him. “We have our own plane, so you didn’t need to worry about that, Ashley owns the plane!”

“No, I don’t,” Ashley denied while staring at her iPhone 5. Mine was an iPhone 4S. I didn’t want to waste my money buying a more expensive phone when they have the same usage.

Theo laughed loudly. He seemed perkier than usual. Of course he is, he is going back to his country, Ashton, I told myself.

Devon was back to his magazine-reading, Carlos, Noah, Ashley and Dan was on their phone. Theo and I were like idiots with nothing to do. After a while, we started tweeting again, now it was more about our hobbies and bikes.

“Miss, sirs, we have reached the airport,” the driver said through the speakers. It was already one pm when we arrived. We were parked near a plane where we didn’t have to go through any securities. The plane had Omega Pharma’s name crafted on it, indicating that this was the team’s private plane. I wonder if I had missed the part where the car have to go through some investigations but shrugged that thought away since I was busy on my phone.

We took our bags and entered the plane. Strong wind was blowing from the North and it was nice and comfortable. Our bikes were placed at the back of the plane with the rest of their big luggage. I only had my small bag pack with me which I appreciate myself for bringing this along. I don’t need big bags at all as long I got enough clothes to keep me warm and my bike. That was all it matters.

“I’m taking this seat!” Carlos yelled triumphantly and leapt onto the seats on the second row and to the right side of the plane. The plane was bigger than I thought it would be. With more than twenty seats, the aisle can be walked on by two people without trying to squeeze each other to death. And I had a very unusual feeling running in me as I stepped onto the plane.

I took the third row on the left and put my bag into the luggage box above me. A small screen was built into every seat in the plane. The seats were as large as a business class and I settle my legs in a comfortable way.

Devon sat in front of Carlos while Theo sat beside me. Dan and Noah were like inseparable buddies as they were always together. Ashley sat beside Devon and began chatting. We waited for a few minutes and the exit of the plane closed when two hot stewardesses joined the plane. Dan and Carlos were definitely ogling at them as they walked to the back of the plane.

Then, the plane took off. All the time we waited, my mind was wandering to my bike, if she had got on the plane and if she had been strap tightly with a rope or something.

To be honest with myself, I was afraid of plane flights. But I tried my best to ignore the weird feeling in my stomach. I plugged my earphones into my ears and hit play on my phone. If I Lose Myself by One Republic played first and that song soothed whatever I was feeling now.

“Hey, sexy, can you get me a glass of orange juice? Freshly done?” I could hear Theo voice faintly against the sound of my music. He was trying to get the attention of the stewardess but she tended to Dan first. Dan was also trying to get a drink.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2013 ⏰

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