Chapter 5- Rejection

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A/N: Here it is, chapter 5. Finally. Sorry I took so long to upload it! I've been busy. Hope you like it because I did. Vote and Comment~ 

Chapter 5

Standing up, retrieving some cash in my pocket, I placed them on the table and started to leave. Someone held me back before I can take a step forward. His fingers were very stiff and strong as he held my biceps.

“Let go,” I said in a voice that made my entire childhood friend back-off back in my children age. The person who held me didn’t listen. “No one wants me here actually,” I was a little surprise at how scared I sound. It came out almost a whisper if I hadn’t control my voice.

“Devon!” Dan said to that mafia boss. So, he was called Devon; sounded like a Mafia Boss’s name. “What do you mean? We only had six months to train with a new member so we can be in sync in the upcoming race!”

“He can never replace Nate,” Devon closed his eyes as the rest of his member crowded around him, even Theo who grabbed my arm just now went to Devon. “I won’t accept him as a member,”

Ashley sighed in frustration and it made her sounded like a mom getting annoyed over her own child. “Devon, Ashton is not replacing anyone,” she paused and took a deep breath while looking at me. “Ashton, tomorrow we will be having a press conference in a Specialized shop nearby, we will announce you as a team rider there,”

“No contract to sign?” I asked in disbelief. I was surprise at this. Usually, a manager who wanted to sign a rider in the team, they must have a written contract. But, for Ashley, it seemed she didn’t even cared.

“We will have to go back to Belgium to get the contract signed,” Ashley gave me a slight smile. “I found Theo when we were on a tour in Ireland and we didn’t even signed a contract for a month until we got back to Belgium,”

“I said that I don’t agree in this, Ash,” Devon stood up so fast, the chair he was sitting on toppled backward and landed with a thud.

“You know what, f*ck the world and I’m leaving,” I inclined my head while heading for the exit from this f*cking room with a bunch of morons. Looks like I can never get a team with members who can accept me.

“Where are you living now?” I heard Noah called out when I stepped out of the room.

I was going to tell him that I live in a cheap hotel called ‘Your Everyday Hotel’ but I thought twice about it. Devon didn’t want me so why should I even tell him? He can find a better rider to replace Nate or whoever that was. “Stalk me,”

There were some waiters and waitresses passing by the corridor when I spoke that and the waiters had a weird look plastered on their faces while the waitresses blushed in red.

I hunched my shoulder and followed the corridor until I reached the back door of the restaurant. The back door was located at the main kitchen of the restaurant and no one seemed to care about me when I enter.

I leaned against the wall, beside the back door and ignited the cigarette I took out from my pocket. All kinds of feelings were building inside me. There were pain, loneliness and most of all, anger. I was angry at Devon, for not letting me on the team. I know I shouldn’t blame him at all but I couldn’t help myself. What I know about Nate was, he already left the team and Devon should move on with his life with his current team members.

After spending half-an hour there and I was ready to leave for my bike which was alone in the hotel, a sobbing voice stopped me. It came from the right corner of the restaurant and the main street was at the left. No one could hear this voice at the street except if they come to the restaurant by the back door.

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