Chapter 9- Summer Before 4th Year

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Back at the Burrow, mum told us to quickly wash all of our dirty clothes from the school year and repack our trunks, adding things to bring on an extended summer holiday. Ron didn't want to immediately do chores first thing home and opened his mouth to protest when mum gave him the most bone chilling "don't argue with me, young man" kind of look and we lugged our trunks up the stairs. I had just gotten mine in my room when two trunks literally flew by my open door, Fred and George chasing after them. Well, we always knew it would be chaotic when the twins became of age.

The ride from King's Cross had been excruciating for me, seeing Harry look so miserable and feeling the grief, fear, and helplessness in him was almost too much to bare. All I wanted to do was to send him as many good feelings as I could and be there, with my friend to help comfort him through this really difficult time in his life. As I unpacked my school trunk and repacked my summer clothing, I sent him as much love as I could. If I can't physically be with him, at least I can remind him that he's not completely alone and, even though he's in that horrible home, he is loved. If only I could get him out of the house and back to the Borrow, or wherever this mystery holiday is.


We spent two days washing clothes and packing before professor Dumbledore showed up at the kitchen door early one morning. He walked in and requested that Mum call the rest of "the Burrow inhabitants" to the kitchen as he had an important announcement. While she went upstairs to wake my brothers and call dad from the office, I was left to finish preparing breakfast and Dumbledore took a seat at the table.

"Good morning, Professor, could I get you a cup of tea while you wait?" the old man smiled kindly at me, a little twinkle in his eye, "That would be lovely, Miss Weasley, thank you." I left the potatoes to fry a little longer and went to fill the tea kettle with water and set it to boil before checking the sausages and setting out plates for everyone at the table.

I poured his tea and swallowed around the lump in my throat, "Um, Professor, might I ask you a question?", I began tentatively, at Dumbledore's nod, I took a breath and asked, "What will happen with Harry now? When will he get to leave the Dursleys'?" Professor Dumbledore sighed and the twinkle in his eye became slightly sadder, "Harry is safest at his aunt and uncle's house at the moment. There are special protections around the house and I have trustworthy people keeping a watch on him. He will leave the house when it is the right time." These answers frustrated me, I just wanted to comfort my friend knowing how horrible he is feeling. It made me feel lousy that I couldn't do anything more for him than send some sort of emotional hug halfway across the country. As I watched the old man sip his tea, I thought about asking if we would be able to visit him in Little Whinging when Dad ran into the room in a flurry shouting, "Molly, dear, what's happened? Are the kids alright?" just as Fred came down rubbing his eyes, "Dad, why are you shouting? It's so early."

I started serving breakfast and pouring tea for everyone as my brothers and mum trickled into the kitchen. When I was done, I took my own place next to Ron and tucked in, musing at how much better my cooking has gotten. Once the meal was done, I made another pot of tea while mum waved her wand and sent the dishes to clean themselves. The Headmaster waited until we were all seated once more, took a sip of tea and cleared his throat, "Although this has been quite lovely to have experienced such hospitality from such a very welcoming family, I have come here for more than just a fine cooked breakfast and splendid tea." he winked at me as he said this, "As you are all aware of the current climate, with Voldemort's return, action must be taken to prevent him from gaining too much power." My brothers and I listened intently to Dumbledore's explanation of the Order of the Phoenix, the secret group of witches and wizards who fought against Voldemort in the last war. I felt hope grow inside myself and sent just a little bit to Harry, trying to signal that good and important things were happening in the wizarding world.

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