Chapter 21- Summer Adventures

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Dumbledore's book was quite fascinating, it told me about what responsibilities come with taking on the role of a Guardianship. It also differentiated between guardian with a little "g" (like a parent or caregiver of a person who cannot completely care for themselves) and Guardian with a big "G" (a person who has accepted the role of protecting another's life). It seemed that there were ways to become a person's Guardian that all lead to a strong bond between the people's magic.

As Harry and I had a Soul Bond, there was a strong likelihood that a ritual to guide us toward Guardianship had been enacted at some point in time. Meaning, before his birth, or mine, someone had performed a ritual to ensure that one of us would go down this path to guard the other. It was quite a daunting idea, being Harry Potter's Guardian. I mean, there was already a madman out to kill him and he'd come very close several times!

Adding on the Guardianship to our Bond didn't seem to create any new relational requirements; although, it may increase my need to be more connected with him in the future. Especially if he continues to run off after people in danger.

It was nearly midnight by the time I finished taking notes about questions I wanted to ask and bits of information that I wanted to review later. I knew Ron and I would be going to Harry at promptly 9:00 in the morning so I decided I ought to put the book away and get some rest to prepare myself for meeting the Dursleys the next day.


I woke early to wash and dress in my best "good Muggle girl" outfit. I felt that it was important to wear the right things around Harry's Muggle family so as not to upset them too quickly. Around 8:00, I went down to the kitchen and began putting some snack foods into a picnic basket when Mum asked what I was doing.

"Putting together a picnic basket for lunch. I thought it might be nice since it's a lovely day out." I told her. "Oh, that's nice, Ginny." She said and piled a handful of sandwiches, fruit and crisps into the basket then summoned an old plaid picnic blanket and folded it over the top. "Alright, now that's packed, sit down for breakfast, dear."

Ron was stumbling down the stairs when I sat down and I wasn't sure that his attire would work for the Muggles. He was wearing a Chudley Cannons ball cap, a collared shirt with stripes, and a pair of shorts that had a stretchy waistband. I knew Mona would be falling out of her seat laughing at him. "Ron, why don't we fix up your outfit after breakfast. I think it's important to make a good impression on Harry's Muggles so he doesn't get punished for spending time with people who look odd."

My brother looked down at his clothes in shock and exclaimed, "But these are all Muggle clothes!". I rolled my eyes and looked at him with exasperation, "That doesn't mean you look like you belong among them! None of that matches, we have to fix it before we go over to Harry." I pushed his shoulder to turn him and made him walk back up the stairs to his room, where I pulled out a t-shirt and pair of jeans. "There, that's much better. Casual and it matches." I told Ron before leaving to let him change.


At 8:50, Fred and George were waiting for Ron and I in the kitchen so we could all walk together to the Apparition point just outside of the Burrow limits. Fred and George took hands while Ron and I each grabbed one of theirs and together, we Apparated to the doorstep of the Dursleys.

"Want us to wait until you go in?"George asked, "No, I think we'll be alright." Ron told him and waited for the twins to Disapparate before ringing the bell just as his watch struck 9:00am. "WHO THE DEVIL IS THAT THIS EARLY IN THE MORNING?" we heard a man's voice yell from inside.

"Didn't they know we were coming?" Ron hissed at me. "Yes! Dumbledore told them we'd arrive promptly at 9:00 in the morning. Oh, I hope this isn't a problem for Harry." I hissed back, then closed my eyes. "Harry, it's us. I thought they knew we'd be here at 9:00!" I felt him roll his eyes back at me, "They know very well who it is. They just want to fuss about wizards being impolite." and I relayed the conversation to Ron as we heard heavy footsteps approach the door.

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