Chapter 22- A Day in the Park

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I practiced with Dumbledore for three more weeks after that first Sunday meeting and was finally able to Apparate across the U.K. while taking Dumbledore and McGonagall, we were all extremely pleased. This was another way that Harry could be protected even when he wasn't with a full witch or wizard. My new ability gave the two professors a greater sense of calm, knowing that I'd likely be with him throughout the summer.


"But, if Ginny knows how to Apparate, why do George and I still have to take the lot of them to Harry every day?" Whined Fred when I told them all the good news.

"Because," I told him, "I'm not actually of age, this is simply a precaution because of the world that we live in." Mum was huffing grumpily in the kitchen, she didn't think it right, putting children in charge of protecting a child. But, it has proved to be the most reliable source of protection to Harry on a number of occasions, so here we are.

"Still. Bloody pesky, if you ask me." said George with a chuckle, "Well, I didn't ask, Georgie. But, glad that you mind doing things for Ron and me so much." I said with a wink at my brother. "Well, I'm going to get my bag and then we can all go?" I looked around at our party which had grown to include Hermione in the past two weeks.

"When will Harry get to actually come here and stay?" Ron whined, "Actually, I think that will be soon. Maybe by next weekend." Mum chimed in, Ron pressed his hands together in thanks and raised his eyes to the ceiling, "Thank Merlin", he pleaded.

"All right, you dramatic children," I said, pulling my bag from a hook by the door, "we must be off." Together, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and I made our way down to the Apparition spot and were whisked away to Privet Drive.


"So, when did Dumbledore teach you to Apparate?" Harry asked, incredulous. "We've had lessons for it over the past month and a half. He thought I was ready for it since he's found out about my animagus transformations an-" "YOU'RE AN ANIMAGUS?!" Ron shouted, startling some of the Muggles sitting nearby in the park. "Ronald, watch your volume!" admonished Hermione, "We're in public, it's quite rude to others here to yell about your game characters." she continued, loudly in an attempt to cover up Ron's mistake.

My brother grinned sheepishly and leaned closer so we could hear his lowered voice, "You're an animagus?" He repeated, a little hurt this time. I looked at my brother apologetically, "Yes, I figured out the transformation at the end of my third year. I practice it in secret, but, the world has been so hectic that I forget that I haven't told many people.", "What is your form?", "How does Dumbledore know?" Ron and Hermione asked at the same time.

"My form is a pegasus, but I've learned how to transform so I look just like a normal horse. I'll find a time to show you when we've returned to school." I said to Ron, "I've been keeping it quiet because, technically, it's illegal since I didn't go through the Ministry during the process, but I don't trust the Ministry right now and I've already done it so." I shrugged.

"On the night that Umbridge and those Ministry people attacked Hagrid, I was in the Forest, practicing my transformation. I heard the commotion and stayed in my form, watching at the edge when Hagrid ran. I went to him and showed myself to him and then I went to aid Professor Flitwick in bringing Professor McGonagall to the Hospital Wing. I had also shown myself to professor Flitwick. I believe Hagrid informed Dumbledore then, and then professor Flitwick may have informed Dumbledore again when he was asking the teachers of my power." I finished, watching them all take it in.

Hermione looked down at the ground and seemed deep in thought, "So, you've been able to transform into pegasus for nearly a year now?" she whispered, "Is that around the time you began to study ancestral magic?" She asked, looking up into my eyes. I briefly nodded and turned to Ron, whose mouth was wide open. "This is bloody crazy, so, you've all this power that Dumbledore thinks you could be trusted as, what, our bodyguard?" he said, incredulous, "No way is my baby sister going to be my bodyguard." he sat back and crossed his arm in defiance.

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