Chapter 24- Back to School

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The first week back to school was so full of teachers going on and on about how important the fifth year was for our lives and that we needed to all make sure we were extremely focused and on top of our work early in the year so we don't regret it later on. From each class we were given at least a half hour worth of homework each night with the promise that it would be considered light from now on.

In Transfiguration, I was sitting with Luna at my table when professor McGonagall began reciting the subjects we would cover this year. While we wouldn't do any human transfiguration until N.E.W.T level, we would be reviewing the concepts this year. I was very certain that the most trouble I would have for Transfiguration would be how much homework McGonagall was likely to assign.

Next was potions, and I wasn't quite sure if I'd like it all that much better without Snape abusing us throughout the classes. We did still have to deal with the obnoxious Slytherins, and Slughorn was a Slytherin, so he could have been just as bad.

"Now, now children. Let us bring our attention to the front of the room!" came Slughorn's loud call. He really hadn't needed to yell, we weren't speaking all that loudly. "This year, we will be learning about several different potions and the properties of their ingredients. Can anyone tell me what is in this cauldron?"

Standing a bit straighter, I leaned over to peer into the turquoise liquid, I raised my hand, slowly, "Is it a Wiggenweld potion, sir?" I asked him, "Very good Miss Weasley, and what does it do?" "It's a healing potion, usually to clean minor injuries but can also be used to reverse the effects of a sleeping draught or the Draught of the Living Dead. Others have used it to increase their energy as well." I told him, "Ah! Good girl!" he clapped his chubby hands together, "This potion does have many uses, quite right, Miss Weasley. 5 points to Gryffindor." I smiled at him in thanks of his praise.

"What about this potion? Does anyone know?" He indicated the next potion, which was bright green and bubbling slightly. Eli Kedar, raised his hand high in the air, "Yes, Mr.--?" Professor Slughorn acknowledged, "Eli Kedar, sir.", "Alright, Mr. Kedar, what is this potion?" he asked again. "That is a Deflating Draught, sir. It's used to reverse the effects of a Swelling potion or used by Healers to treat some injuries. It can be dangerous, though, if not used correctly." he told him. "My, the Gryffindors are stepping up this class, great job. Another 5 points to your house."

"And the last potion? Slytherins? Come come, you must  have an idea." he looked toward the Slytherin side of the room. A girl with waist length, wavy auburn hair strode forward and peered into the cauldron. She immediately backed away with a scowl on her face, "Do you know it, Miss-?" Slughorn prompted, "Hera Booth. Yes, this potion is Babbling Beverage. Anyone with it becomes rather annoying and talks incessantly. They sound absolutely ludicrous talking about nothing in particular." she concluded.

"Very good, Miss Booth, 5 points to Slytherin. Now, everyone, back to your seats, today we will be concocting a Draught of Peace. Best potion wins an extra 15 points for their House, the directions can be found on page 30 of your textbooks. Begin." Near the end of the class, there were potions in varying hues of pink, green, and purple. Mine was looking like the proper white color but was a little thicker than the instructions were saying it should be. I looked back in the book for any solutions to this issue and decided a little more heat might help. Within a minute the potion was looking exactly as it should have. "Alright, times up! Step away from your potions." called Slughorn. Each student added one more final stir, ingredient, or whatever they needed and stepped away from their potion.

As Slughorn walked around the room, I looked over at Hera Booth who was adding an extra stir every time the professor's back was to her. Using my fire sprite magic, I envisioned her ladle becoming extremely hot and and smiled with satisfaction to see her jump back when she grabbed her ladle next. Slughorn was at my table, peering into Celina's bright orange potion, "This looks almost perfect, Miss Howe. Did you add your porcupine quill?", "I was just about to, sir, when you called time." she told him softly. "Ah, yes, nearly there!" he chuckled.

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