Chapter 10- New Abilities

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The next morning, I felt something cold sweeping across my forehead and opened my eyes to see Mum standing there with a damp towel and some oatmeal next to my bed. I sat up, groggily wiping the sleep from my eyes as she pushed the bowl into my hands and insisted I eat so I would feel better. "Ginny, you need to eat something so your body can wipe out whatever nasty fever you had last night." She put her hand to my forehead, "Although, your temperature does seem to be back to normal after a night of sleep." she put her hands all over my face, I assume to make sure she was getting a good read on my temperature. "You know what? I think you're right, Mum. I'll go wash up to feel better and then get some breakfast. I think that will be good for me." She nodded her head and stood from my bed. Before leaving the room, she put her hand to my forehead one more time before nodding to herself again and crossing the room and into the hallway.

"Harry?" I thought as soon as she was gone. "Yea?" I heard his voice back in my head. "This is so weird, I don't even know where to begin to look for more information on this ability... I really was only able to find that this could be an ability that we develop". I was truly baffled, why did this evolution in our bond suddenly appear? "You know, Gin, that's an interesting question. It's interesting how our bond has evolved and for what reasons, you know?" Man, I forgot he could hear my thoughts... "Yep, still can". He thought, with a chuckle, in response to my internal monologue. "Ugh, we really need to figure out just getting you here. It might also be good to figure out a way to keep our thoughts private when we want. Although, now that you mention it... our bond evolves when we've become closer or when we really need the other. Like, when you were so afraid and worried during the tournament". I could hear him contemplating what I said, considering what may have caused this new change. "Maybe my anger and frustration at being left out in the Muggle world has made us so desperate to be closer and help each other that our bond grew again."

"That does sound fairly plausible, I wonder if we could voluntarily expand this new ability though". I thought back, "I do like the idea of you being able to give me a visual tour of the house, but how could we do that?" Harry said, reading my mind like a book. "Um, maybe we just need some extra clear focus on it? I'm not sure. I'm going to go wash up like I told Mum I would and then we'll see what we can do to expand this ability." Maybe if we learn to expand it, we can close it as well. I thought, hoping that wasn't overly optimistic. "Not that I don't love sharing thoughts with you, Harry. I just also like my mind to myself." I added, remembering he knew what I was thinking.

I grabbed a towel and some fresh clothes and walked to the bathroom where I turned on the water and stepped under it, letting the hot water run all over my body. I knew Harry also planned to shower at the same time so we could get straight to figuring out how to potentially give each other a view of our own surroundings. As we washed up, we thought about how it might work to see through each other's eyes, thinking we'd have to deliberately think about allowing the other to do so for it to work. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, to scrub the shampoo in my hair and saw that I was looking at an unfamiliar bathtub. I kept scrubbing my hair, trying to make sense of what I was seeing, when I realized the feet I was seeing weren't mine, and the pe- oh my god, definitely not mine. I tried to close my eyes, only to realize they were already shut. In a panic, I wrenched them open and my shampoo flowed into my eyes and I quickly shut them tightly against the pain. My vision was back to Harry's shower, "Harry, look up or close your eyes or something! I can see you... all of you!" and it all went dark, like Harry had also closed his eyes.

"Better..." I thought, rinsing the shampoo out of my eyes. "So, uh... you saw...?" Harry trailed off. "Yep, I did... sorry..." I thought back trying to bring myself back to a time when I hadn't seen "little Harry". I opened my eyes to condition my hair, then put soap on the loofa and started washing my body. "Ginny, I think you should also close your eyes..." I could almost feel the blush in Harry's thought. "Why? Uh-oh.. you can't see me now, can you?" I thought. "Yea, I can see you. I think maybe we should both keep our eyes shut until we're fully dressed again". "You're probably right." I agreed, "At least we're even now..." I chuckled awkwardly at his comment. It was much harder than it seemed, finishing our showers and drying off with our eyes closed, and we had a couple more "vision mishaps" so to speak while dressing again.

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