Chapter 23- The New Club

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Once he'd finally gotten on the train, Harry found me chatting with Midia and asked if I'd like to find a compartment with him. I did want to, but, I had already agreed to sit with Dean. As he walked away, I noticed the slightly annoyed look on his face and even felt a little bit of jealousy flow through me, maybe it was my own frustration that Harry was finally noticing me, now that I was dating someone new.

It was a very odd feeling and I turned to Midia, "Was that just me? Did you see the annoyance on his face?" I said, "I'm telling you, he's started to notice that I'm a girl that he finds appealing." Midia huffed in agreement with my irritation at Harry's boy-ness. "You'd better get on to find Dean, he'll be jealous again, too." with this, we parted ways, agreeing to see each other before we got to Hogsmeade.

"Good morning" I greeted the group as I sat down next to Dean. "How ya?" said Seamus without looking up from his comic. "Late start to the morning?" Dean asked, pointing at my hair and a slight laugh in his voice, "Yea, it was a late night last night so I was tired this morning. And with Harry's added protection, you know. It's just a bit of chaos." I said, feeling a bit of anger rising, what did that even mean? Do I not look good enough for him?

Not wanting another fight so soon, I decided to be peaceful and shrugged it off as a stupid boy comment, "How were everyone's holidays?" I asked. "Not great," said Padma, "Mum and Dad are getting quite uneasy about sending us back to Hogwarts.", "Yea, they keep reading about everything bad in the papers. Did you hear about the attack in Regent's Park in London just a few weeks ago?" Parvati asked.

Dean sat up straighter, "A few weeks ago? I was there!" I looked at Dean, a few weeks? Has it really been that long since that happened? "What did the paper say?" I asked the twins, "It said some underage witch tried to pass off a fight with Death Eaters as street theater for the Muggles who'd stopped to watch. The reporter couldn't figure out why they'd attacked the group, though, said he'd watched the whole thing. Maybe it was Potter with them but the man looked too old. I personally think it was just a Ministry show though. Still wanting us to think they're doing something." said Parvati

"The bloody reporter watched the whole thing?? Why didn't they help us! I thought we were going to die or be captured!" I shouted, forgetting they didn't know I'd been there. "You were there?" Padma and Lavender's eyes were the size of tea saucers. "Yes! I had just said goodbye to Dean and we were walking out of the park in pairs. Harry was with his guard in the middle and Hermione was with hers in the front, and Ron and I were taking up the rear. Hermione's guard had been stunned and Harry's guard left him to see to her. I Apparated the three of them back home and then returned to the park to help." I told them.

"Apparated? You can Apparate?" said Seamus, doubt clear in his voice. "Yes, Dumbledore thought it necessary and that I'd proven myself ready so, I learned this summer." I told him, "But, why the street theater?" Padma's friend asked, "Well, I wanted the Muggles to be a safe distance away so they wouldn't be hit by any curses, but I wanted to make sure we'd be able to Obliviate them at the end so I turned it into a show. Before they gave any money, we were able to erase the memory of the 'show'". I answered.

"That was quite stupid of you to get involved in that after you'd already gotten to safety." Dean said, telling the story had heightened my emotions and after the first quip of me not looking good enough, I'd had it. "Stupid of me? How dare you? My actions saved the Ministry a lot of extra work and saved lives and lead to the capture of four Death Eaters. I know my power and I used it well. Don't you ever tell me my choice to do the right thing was stupid again." and I stormed out of the train car. I needed to find my friends and tell them about this idiot.

While I was striding the corridor, I passed an open train car, "Oi, Weasley! You're the talk of the train right now. Come have a chat." came Zacharias Smith's voice. Not really interested in talking to Smith, I pulled the car door open a little too hard, "What?", "So, what really happened at the Ministry? Everyone says you were there." I was not expecting him to ask me about that. "It's none of your business." I told him, my voice low.

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