Chapter 17 - Sports Festival part 3

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The dark mage just got a bit surprised by Ahmya hugging him for a moment and then he just sighs a bit and pats her head with a small smile, ignoring everyone around them.

"Sorry, but who are you?", the small moment was ruined by All Might.

Both looks at him with a threatening aura for interrupting them and All Might sweats nervously.

"It's ironic, the 'most popular pro-hero' in Japan can't identify other heroes...", says the black mage while fixing his glasses in place, "Though it was to be expected since we aren't Japanese heroes after all."

"Heroes from another country? How joyous, we weren't expecting that this year's sports festival would get so much attention!", says All Might with his boisterous laugh.

"Woah, woah, woah! Hold on there, we aren't here for this event or even work.", says the paladin.

"We are just visiting after all.", says the brown witch giggling a bit.

There was a bit of an awkward silence after this until Ahmya decides to speak.

"By the way All Might,...", she can hear the uberheroes snarling loudly which makes her flinch a bit, which was noticed by the new group, "You can't force me to apologize for something he was asking for, and about the hero thing... How about no? Dealing with Midoriya was enough but to find out the hero how preaches 'equality'...", she makes quotation marks with her fingers, "Is literally pushing a teenager to be a hero because he only sees a powerful quirk and nothing more.", she pretends to think, "I wonder how the media would LOVE to hear about it.", she finishes looking at him in a threatening manner.

"Now, now, let's not make harsh decisions Miss Hoshino.", says All Might trying to divert the focus.

"Oh no, I think Nedzu would love to hear this...", she says in a fake cheerful tone, "Oh, hello Nedzu."

All Might pales and then looks behind him seeing said creature/person.

"I hope there isn't any problems happening here.", he says and All Might stumble with his words, "All Might, I told you to leave Miss Hoshino alone but I'm going to leave that lecture for after the festival, it's supposed to be a joyous event after all.", after this All Might leave, "I'm sorry for cutting this short but I have to go back to overseeing the events.", Nedzu leaves while Ahmya just gives a small wave.

"So...", she attempts to say but then is tackled by the brown witch.

"You're so cute! A bit sarcastic but you're Hesperos niece so it can be excused!", she gushes at Ahmya while the others laugh and the black mage facepalms in exasperation.

"Laura, you're making her uncomfortable.", says Hesperos, the black mage.

Said woman pouts but releases Ahmya, said girl takes some steps back to get some distance from the "crazy woman".

"A bit rude, no?", says Guardira.

"Why took too long for any of you to talk?", she pets Charibasa to not get attention while talking with them in her head.

"The situation looked tense and we didn't wanted to interfere with whatever you were planning...", says Yarida and she just sighs.

She just looks up again and see Void gushing at her uncle and his friends while Hayao was trying to contain her and failing spectacularly, she had forgotten that they were there too, with her focus on All Might and then her uncle.

"Better say something or they will find weird you being too quiet.", comments Jamsch and she sighs, she really needs to work on this.

"So... It was nice and all but before all this commotion I was planning to go and eat something...", she says awkwardly, she hates the attention she is getting now.

"Really smooth...", says Tondenga.

"Shut up, not helping.", she answers in a dry tone,

Why these things happens to her after all? At least her uncle took pity on her.

"Well, I believe that would be more productive to find a better place to talk instead of a school corridor.", he says and everyone agrees.

While thinking on what to tell her uncle, Ahmya hears that the obstacle race is over and Midoriya won.

"Seriously? The guy who miraculously got a quirk and still doesn't even know how to control it?!", she really finds Midoriya lack of self-preservation skills worrisome.

"Believe us, we are surprised about it too.", says Cannogabang.

She didn't notice that one of her uncle friends, the green bard, is looking at her curiously.

First round over, now to the second...

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