Chapter 47 - Provisional Hero License final

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Sometime after the ambulances were called with some of them leaving since the students had to be rushed to the hospital because their condition was really bad, Ahmya and her friends were in a separated room along Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, Eraserhead and Gang Orca; Hinamori was playing with Nana with a laser point, Hayao was just watching, Ahmya looked like her mind wasn't there and the commission man was trying to lecture Octavia [Ahmya admits that she deserves the trust after beating Bakugou to the ground and don't regret it].

"... Now the exams are ruined thanks to you!", says Mera but Octavia ignores him in favor of drinking water nonstop, he was about to continue but Ahmya's mother puts her hand on his shoulder.

"Now, now, Mera-san, you don't need to blame other people for your own shortcomings.", she says and ignores his spluttering, "Nothing of it would have happened if you had warned the students that there was a lost pet in the grounds, they could have searched for Nana and returned her like the heroes they were supposed to be."

"But--", he tries.

"Let's deal with it with the president later, ok?", she says and he shut up, "Now, I called you three...", she points to Bakugou and his companions, "... because I want to know what happened to trigger the fiasco, anyone can begin."

"It's all this cat fault!", screams Bakugou pointing to Nana.

"'This cat' have a name and it's Nana!", says Octavia annoyed.

"I don't care! I need to show this cat who is the boss!", he says and suddenly a red dot appears on his forehead and Nana jumped on him before he could react, the sudden movement made him fall and hit his head on the wall knocking him out.

"Great 'boss' you are...", comments Red Velvet receiving some agreements of the other cookies.

The others look at Hinamori but she, and the cookies, points to Hayao, who is holding the laser point now.

"He was annoying.", he says and his friends, and Ahmya's mother, shrugs which made the others nervous about how dismissive they are.

"Well, now that we had the confession.", Ahmya's mother looks at the unconscious Bakugou, "You two can take him out.", she points to his companions and they carry Bakugou out of the room, "So Eraserhead, mind telling me when you were going to taught your students that every life counts? Specially pets?", she says crossing her arms.

"I will have a talk with him about what he tried to do.", he says.

"I know you will.", she answers knowing that Eraserhead like cats so seeing his "star student" trying to kill one must have shaken him a bit, "Now that we had all that behind us, we need to decide who will get the license."

At this Ahmya understood that it was their call to leave the room so she dragged her friends with her.


After leaving the room they decided to be outside the stadium.

"Should we have told them that the void was toxic to living beings?", comments Hayao.

"Hmm no, they accepted that risk when they decided to be heroes so death is to be expected on this field, the joys of child soldiers...", answers Ahmya.

"I'm still surprised that we aren't in trouble.", says Hinamori.

"That's my mother for you.", says Ahmya.

"I'm more surprised that you didn't used the healer uberheroes to help them.", says Octavia while holding Nana, to avoid another accident.

"Like I said, death is to be expected so what's the difference of it happening now to happening later?", Ahmya shots back.

Before any of them could say something, they see 1A approaching.

"Things were going so well...", comments Taterazay and Ahmya silently agrees.

"What you all want?", she says.

"Kaminari-kun told us what happened and we wanted to apologize.", says a black-haired girl with a ponytail.

"Are you apologizing because you don't want to be associated with him or because you want me to excuse his actions?", says Octavia with narrowed eyes.

"Please don't be hard on Kaachan, it was surely a misunderstanding.", says Midoriya which makes the group having dark looks.

"Why it doesn't surprise me?", says Ahmya shaking her head.

"You're just like those toxic fans of my father back then.", mumbles Hayao and the scarf-centipede hiss.

Octavia puts Nana down and faces 1A, "Look, the only way for me to accept it is if Bakugou apologizes and mean it!", she says crossing her arms and 1A students looks upset.

"Please just go, you said what you wanted and she isn't forced to accept your apology.", says Hinamori trying to damage control, unfortunately it made Midoriya pay attention to her...

"Your quirk... It looks like Hoshino-san!", he says with a starry-eyed look and Hinamori looks uncomfortably to her friends, "But they look different... Like something food related!", Hinamori can feel the cookies feeling uncomfortable too, "Do it mean that they are edible? Then what they taste like?", he says and didn't notice that her face became blank.

"The forbidden questions...", murmurs Lilac and the other cookies have a look of horror in their eyes.

"Abandon ship!", says Red Velvet jumping out of Hinamori's hair being followed by the others, the trio caught them and put them on Nana's back.


After the license exams fiasco, 1-A was getting in the bus to go back to the dorms, at least until Eraserhead noticed something.

"Midoriya, why you have a black eye?", he asks because he doesn't remember seeing him getting hit on the eye.

"Well... uh...", he says nervously.

"Deku probably was asking about quirks again.", says Bakugou still angry because he didn't get his license.

Eraserhead sighs, looks like Bakugou isn't the only one who will receive a lecture from him tonight...

We will be back to our normal schedule, meaning more ruin for 1-A...

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