Chapter 27 - Not a hero

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A new week, and the supposed week when the hero students are back from their workplace experience, so not new that the corridors are full of students gossiping.

"The only good thing is that they aren't focusing on us anymore.", says Jamsch and Ahmya just sighs.

After the incident her routine became: avoid reporters, scare annoying people away, try to hang out with Hayao and Void until someone ruined it, spend time with her uncle. Not that she is complaining but she wished people minded their own business, she is not going to talk to a bunch of random people about what she did to the Hero Killer.

"Good morning, class.", says Yamada-sensei entering the classroom.

Another boring day but she prefers it like that.


It's lunchbreak and Void managed to drag her and Hayao to the cafeteria, not that she minds but she was planning on eating without interruptions. They were talking about some cooking show that Void liked until a blue haired guy, followed by Midoriya, appeared ruining the mood.

"I wasn't sure if I would find you but Midoriya said you were here.", he says almost robotically and Ahmya glares at Midoriya making him flinch.

"We were having a good time until you appeared... What you want?", she says wanting things to be done.

"I wanted to thank you for saving us from the Hero Killer.", he said and it got the attention of the cafeteria, "It was truly heroic of you and Midoriya told me that you really have a wonderful quirk that would have been very helpful..."

"Sorry but who are you to talk about what I should do with my quirk?", she says annoyed.

"I-it's my fault Hoshino-san...", says Midoriya, "After what happened they wanted to know who you are..."

"So you told your hero course friends... Trying to make me bond with your class? That's your plan to make me go to the hero course where you think my quirk would be useful?", she says.

"N-no...", he tries to say.

"You know forget it.", she turns to Iida, "Look, I don't even know who you are, what happened there happened because my uncle was in danger, no more no less. You and your friends being saved? Collateral damage.", she gets up to leave, "And by the way, I'm not a hero and it's the last thing I plan to do with my life.", and leaves the cafeteria.

She doesn't care about leaving a lot of shocked people behind.

"Buch of idiotic people...", she mumbles reaching the door of her classroom.


"...and he gave information about you without your consent!", rants Void.

The trio was walking to the train station, after the cafeteria confrontation the attention was back to Ahmya because she literally said that she never wanted/wants to be a hero, what's wrong with not wanting to be a hero? Everyone has the right to have their own ambitions...

"And this is because he can't write any info regarding my quirk.", says Ahmya.

"What you mean?", asks Hayao.

"Let's just say that he is cursed to a point where if he even tries to think about writing about my quirk, he will get the worst type of bad luck that the situation can have.", she says in an amused tone.

"And you have to thank me and Pingrek for this!", says Oohoroc.

"Wait! Curses are real?", asks Void.

"That's for me to know and you to find out.", she says, "Looks like my train is here, see you tomorrow."

After this they leave on their separate ways.


At home she notices that her uncle and his friends are back again.

"How are your wounds?", she asks putting her bag on the coffee table.

"We will be fine, we are made of tough stuff!", says Laura.

"If you say so.", she says.

"Anyway, how is school? I believe that it must have been unbearable because of the video.", says her uncle and she sighs.

"You don't have idea.", she throws herself at the sofa, between her uncle and Orpheus, "One of the hero students came today to thank me for saving his life along his friends and then began a how I was 'heroic' speech..."

"Let me guess Midoriya was there too.", says her mother coming from the kitchen.

"Yes, he said that they wanted to know so he told everything he knew, I'm sure that he and All Might...", she flinches, "You all control your bitterness, anyway I think they are together on that weird obsession on making me go to the hero course."

"I'm going to call our lawyers, this is getting ridiculous.", says her mother and the others agree with her.

They decide to change the topic of the talk and Ahmya decides to go to her bedroom.

When you think the problem is solved, another one appears...

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