Chapter 20 - Sports Festival part 6

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Ahmya could see that her sister didn't wanted to be here with her sneer but she is curious on the why she came to talk this time.

"Probably will be another stupid rant to try to boost her ego.", comments Tondenga.

"So dear delusional sister of mine, what you want this time?", she says in a nonchalant tone, she sees her sister griping her phone hard.

"I didn't even want to be here but father wants to talk with you.", she says trying to keep her anger under control and failing.

"Oh? Sorry, but did he talk with the lawyers first? He can't do anything by himself after all.", Ahmya says in a sarcastic tone.

"Look, I'm just talking with you because he told me to but why I would waste my time with you?", she says frustrated.

"Here we go again, the 'rant.'", Ahmya thinks and hears the uberheroes groan.

"I was supposed to be down there with the other students but guess what? I was frozen in the beginning of the obstacle race! I tried to break the ice but it broke my nails instead!", she says and Ahmya notices the bandages on her fingers.

"She must be a masochist because she knows her nails are useless but uses them anyway.", comments Wondabarappa.

"And now I see that uncle is here but I know he wouldn't try to talk with me because I'm not part of his family anymore and it's all your fault!", she accuses.

"Not again.", complains Pyokorider.

"Things were easier back then when I got my quirk, I had the perfect family but nooo, just because she likes you more, she chose you over father and disowned me from her side of the family!", she continues her "rant".

"Are you done?", asks Ahmya unimpressed, "I don't know how reality works in your head but know that it's too far from what happened, mother never loved him, she just used him to have children but since you loved him so much, she indulged the 'family act'."

"It's a lie! You think that you are at the top just because you have what was supposed to be mine!", she rages.

"How delusional of you, but I can see why he liked you so much, you are an attention whore just like him with the same delusions of 'fame' that were supposed to be yours.", says Ahmya in a serious tone, "And tell him to keep away, I don't want his 'guidance' or whatever he wants to offer, I'm not going to waste my time being a hero just for him to leech the fame of 'being the father of the strongest hero', I'm leaving that to Endeavor.", she says and turn her back to leave but she turn her head sideways to glare at her sister, "And tell him that I'm not on the hero course because I'm sure this sudden interest is because he automatically thought that I was there because I got first place in the exams."

She leaves her angry sister behind while hearing the uberheroes between ranging or trying to comfort her, which she is grateful for their presence. After passing the gate she looks at the side and see her uncle's bard friend playing a random song on his clover themed lute.

"How much did you hear?", she asks and he stops playing.

"Hesperos told me to wait for you, now I understand why. I'm not going to force you to talk but know that he worries about you and your mother, a bit too much if I'm allowed to say.", he says with a bit of fondness.

"I have a feeling that he is the therapist of the group.", comments Bowmunk.

"You and me both.", she answers.

"So...", she begins a bit uncomfortable, "Do you know where they left to? I was planning on calling but since you are here...", she gestures to where he is.

"They didn't know to where to go so your friends kind of became the guides.", he says.

"I don't know if I can consider them my friends but I think I know where they left to.", she murmurs and begins to walk to the food stands being followed by Orpheus.

"They stuck with you even though your personality can make people go away so that must count as something.", he says and she just hummed in response but said nothing.

They had to avoid some random people who recognized him as one of the international heroes though.


"I was almost going to search for you two myself.", says her uncle when they arrive on the table.

"We had to take some detours because of people recognizing him.", Ahmya point to Orpheus, "And it still happens.", she says motioning to the people around them looking and she just glares at them, "Did you all need something?", she says in an overly sweet tone promising pain later and the crown look to the other side.

"Sometimes I envy you for managing to do it.", comments Hayao grateful, the attention was putting him on edge.

"The women of the family have this power.", comments her uncle before taking a sip of his coffee.

"You too, you know.", says Laura.

"I'm adopted, I don't count.", he says.

"That's explain so much!", says Void kind of relived, "I didn't knew how to ask about it without looking racist."

"Details, here.", he passes a bowl with ramen to Ahmya, "I already 'checked' so it's safe.", Ahmya accepts the bowl and the others look confused with what he said.


They chose to ignore the announcements in favor of talking about random things, Hayao and Void were pretty curious on how things worked on England, the others were kind of curious about Void since she was from Russia.

"WHAT HAPPENED, CLASS A!!?", they could hear Present Mic say when the girls from 1-A appeared using cheerleader uniforms.

The girls begin to get angry at two boys, understanding the situation, Ahmya silently raises from her seat and uses her shadow as portal to appear in front of said boys along Taterazay, Myamsar, Grenburr and Piekron, in the warrior forms, pointing their weapons at them while she looks at them with a menacing glare.

"I don't know who you are and nor I care, but if I heard that you tried another stunt like that I'm going to tie you two and throw you in the middle of the ocean and believe me, no one will ever find your bodies. I. AM.CLEAR?", she says and both boys nods frantically while holding each other in fear.

After she finds their response satisfactory, the uberheroes vanish and she goes back to her seat while ignoring the grateful calls of the girls.

"... I don't have any idea of what was that but anyway, let's continue with the announcements.", says Present Mic a bit dumbfounded.

"For someone who didn't wanted attention you sure are getting a lot today.", comments her uncle when she is back.

"I hate perverts.", was her only response.

The group decided to ignore the small incident and go back to what they were talking before being interrupted.

Now to the last event...

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