Chapter 56 - The needed talk: Truth

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"What box, Ahmya-san?", asks Yasu suspicious.

Both are still on the roof and after Ahmya's small confession things became a bit awkward, she just rubs the back of her head.

"Would you believe me if I tell you that I have a literal 'Pandora box'?", shew says sheepishly.

"Considering everything so far I don't doubt anything coming from you.", he says after sighing, "Be honest with me, does it have something to do with what you hide about your quirk?", she flinches and he notices it, "Don't be surprised, it's a wonder why no one found out until now."

"How did you find out?", she says nervously.

"Honestly? Your quirk name insinuates that you just use their powers but for some reason you could only summon beings, the sports festival was what made my suspicion arise.", he says and crosses his arms, "You know, when you punched Shinsou... So yeah, what you don't tell about your quirk?"

"Do you think you can handle it? Let me tell you, it's not a nice tale.", she says in a warning tone.

"Considering that my quirk awakened when a bunch of obsessive fangirls tried to kill me when I was a child...", he says shrugging.

"Do you really want to tell it?", says Charibasa.

"We knew that we couldn't hide it forever...", she mumbles and looks at Yasu, "You asked for it.", she summons the flag, "The day my quirk manifested was unexpected, I was just playing and then this flag appeared in front of me, I miss the days where I was just an innocent child...", she says bitterly.

"You don't need to feel forced to tell if you don't want to.", he says with concern but she shakes her head.

"I already began so it's too late to stop now... After that flag appeared a voice told me to touch it and me being a naïve child did it...", she looks at the horizon, "I ended in a weird world with beings that were at war with other beings that could be called demigods.", she pauses a bit to take a deep breath, "They didn't trusted me and it didn't helped that the flag being an ancient sacred relic.", she can feel the uberheroes shame, "The only thing that made them reconsider was that damned star..."

"Star?", Yasu says confused.

"Silver Hoshipon, for context the uberheroes comes from a tribe/species called 'patapons', they were searching for a 'promised land' but in the middle of their explorations they found a chest and thought it was IT but the mistake had heavy consequences...", she says a bit nostalgic, "When opening it they released beings called 'Archfiends' and a stone curse, let's say that said star was in the same chest and thanks to him the uberheroes exist... though the Almighty power was too strong for them...", she says sheepishly.

"That means...?", he inquires to show that he is paying attention.

"What was supposed to be one ended being twenty-one...", she says sweatdropping, "Resume of the story: I arrived around the time the uberheroes were created which caused some suspicion, I don't blame them though, until the damned star told them that I was some sort of 'Almighty's emissary' to help leading them to the victory since the flag was with me...", she says sneering at the last part.

"Wait a moment there! You are telling me that you were just pushed into a war when you were only a child?! What the hell!?", he says shocked and she shrugs.

"It's all in the past now.", she waves her hand in dismissal, "Turns out that my quirk was somehow linked to them and the best way to learn to harness it was learning through them... the flag is an extra, let's say it was in a limbo and my quirk kind of was what helped it out of it. I admit that this experience gave some traumas."

"You mean how you dismiss everything? Or how nothing surprises you anymore? Or how you act like someone will attack you any moment? Or--", he says.

"I get it, a lot of traumas. Said war took a year because of the Dark Heroes and turns out that the star was hiding important things like he knowing about Pandara, or about all the Dark Heroes real identities... or the fact that he was IT all along.", she says angrily, "After the last battle that thing tried to trick the HERO into sacrificing himself to save the patapons from the curse... but he didn't said that after it his mortal part would be stripped from the ancient powers and it's existence would be locked in the box to become the new Pandara."

"And how you know about it?", says Yasu curious.

"The previous flag bearer before me...", she looks at the flag, "Looks like the last time the Archfiends appeared it was their lover though they were tricked until the end until their lover became the new Pandara and their soul locked in the flag, partly of the reason it found me was to prevent another tragedy... It was a desperate move honestly."

"It's still messed up.", he says concerned.

"In the end we managed to defeat the star, consequently bringing Earthend to it's former glory...", she looks pensive, "I wonder if Ton, Chin, Kan and Hatapon are ok there."

"Did you even planned to talk about it?", he says concerned.

"Only when the need arose.", she says seriously with the symbols in her eyes gently glowing, which he notices.

"And your eyes? It's part of your quirk too?", he says.

"This?", she gestures to her eyes, "This is the side effect of prolonged contact with the holy drums and having demigods essence on my body, I can use them but I don't see much use besides using the Djinns.", she shrugs.

Before he could say something, his phone rings and he sees it's Octavia calling.

"Yes?... Yeah, I found her, sorry for not telling earlier... We talk more later.", he hungs up, "Better we go back, do you plan telling them what you told me?"

"Not now, it's draining to remember everything.", she says and both leaves.

Time to move on to the next plot...

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