Something's missing💔-TeruNene

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Yup you saw that emoji up there it'll serve as a warning that a angst flood is going to occur so for all the brave souls out there get ready. Ready you're tissues as you dive in. Don't say i didn't warn ya!😏


It was a usual morning at Kamome Academy with students chattering and going about they're day. The school was bursting with joy, brightness, and life. But a certain cream haired girl was like a grey in the rainbow. Lifeless, dull, tired. She walked in a slow pace trudging slowly through the halls not letting anyone notice her prescence she used her classroom's back door to not let anyone notice her. But as soon as she entered all eyes were on her. She sighed it's not much a surprise her classmates are bugging her recently worried about her she can pretend to be okay but in reality she was carrying a heavy heart on her chest. She was carrying the guilt and it was so unbearably heavy but she knows she deserved it. It was so stupid of her to make that wish without even thinking about the consequences. But at the end she got nothing to blame but herself.

She forced a smile at her tired face to her classmates masking a cheerful expression on her appearance.

"Good morning everyone!" She smiled as her classmates greeted her back.

She walked to her desk sat down her chair and looked outside the window. Seeing friends hugging each other, couples teasing each other, and so many more happy stuffs she just felt jealous about. She stared dazed at the glass pane looking straight at her reflection. She felt a nostalgia drowning her warmly it was the only thing she'd looked forward to. Her MEMORIES.

She knew once what it felt like to be happy, to feel the happiness of seventh heaven, to have a friend that will tell you the latest school rumors just to cheer you up, to have someone to tease you, annoy you, hug you from behind, spy on you, and will force you to do the most irritating stuffs as an excuse to spend time with you.

But now the memories she's holding tightly is slowly blurring. Her grasp has been loosening there are times she can't remember some parts of her memories as if they're slowly breaking piece by piece. But whats more that makes her feel numb was the feeling of LOST. She always felt like a big part of her has been removed. Like a puzzle's missing piece. She really wanted it back she still didn't lose hope that everything will be back the way it's suppose to be. THAT HE'LL COME BACK TO HER.

"Yashiro-san please read chapter 87." By the sound of her teacher's voice her swirling thoughts came to a halt. She slowly got up and did what she told.

She sat in her class when the bell rang she really dreaded recess. It wasn't like that back then she used to love it so much. Why? So she could spend time with her friends. To have a talk with them, to laugh, to smile. Oh how she missed to smile geniunely again. She opened her bento and began eating alone in the classroom. Everyone has gone to their spots on break where they could catch up on their friends. This nostalgia is really choking her again. Oh how she missed to have picnic on the roof with her special friends once more. To bake donuts to a certain someone again. But of course no matter how she will gave everything up it will not happen again all because of one event that makes things different. The SEVERANCE.

She tried hard not to cry she was tired to cry. But still a single drop of tear fall from her eyes she jolted and quickly wiped it away. She can't cry because, even if she'll cry as plenty as the ocean water what will change? Nothing.

She continue to munch on her food but instead of tasting the delicious flavor all she could taste was bitterness. Her life was miserable. Sure her lifespan has extended but on what cost? Everything she ever cared for.