Secret Feelings-📱💞YamaNene

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Okay am i the only fan who was commiting multi-shipping? Probably not. This oneshot is based on one of my ship obviously. Featuring Yamabuki Lemon and Yashiro Nene! This is may only revolve into Yamabuki's perspective but i'll make it waaay~ more interesting. Without further a-do enjoy!

In Kamome Gakuen there is a certain guy that was always glued to his phone. Sometimes playing games, another times watching random videos, all the times scrolling non-stop on social media or simply snapping photos that caught his attention. But no one technically knows what's so special on his phone to the point of saying he'll marry it one day! The phone's not special of course. What's special about it is it's contents.

Sure many people knew what he's like. A guy who seemed to be avoiding everyone due to everyone avoiding him, also all because his eyes were intimidating and known to always have his precious phone in his face. But truth is no one really knows him well nor what kind of guy he is. So in short there's a lot of mystery sorrounding Yamabuki Lemon. For starters no one knows his phone wallpaper. Yes it is a silly mystery regarding to a phone wallpaper but no one really have seen what is it. Second he makes conversations while glued to his phone because according to him it's more interesting. And lastly he doesn't seem interested into romantic interest despite being with Akane due to a supernatural doings. But shouldn't it be normal for a boy his age to have a crush on someone? Needless to say everbody considered him weird because of this traits and honestly he doesn't care.

But truth is he was hiding a secret he was too shy to even speak of. What kind of secret you ask? Well Yamabuki Lemon was secretely inlove with Yashiro Nene. Yes our brave daik—ehem! Our brave pretty heroine. Since when was he inlove with her? Since they were little pre-schoolers. They've known each other for quite some time and is actually pretty close but doesn't interact at school that much. He first met her back then as a cute girl who kicked one of their classmates butt who fell on the mud face first just because he called her legs a daikon. He fell for her right that moment, he finds her brave for someone their age. He was known for a shy boy who had a hard time getting along with everyone. But when this girl extended her hand and wanted to be his friend. He was shot with one of Eros'es(cupid's) arrows.

Since then both of them are inseperable being the best of friends. Despite Nene having a crush on guys from time to time and Yamabuki trying to maintain his jelousy they got along nicely over the years. Nene also had something to do with the supposedly mysteries regarding to Yamabuki. The romantic interest is of course Nene, and she was also his homescreen wallpaper. His lockscreen wallpaper was Hamsters due to the fact that Nene adores this cute little creatures so much and his homescreen wallpaper on the other hand was Nene's picture wearing a lolita costume which he loves so freaking much!

And why does he always tend to be on his phone even holding a conversation? It's because he's doing he's normal routine of staring at Nene's photos whether it's from his phone's gallery or in her social media page. He was not inlove with his phone, he was inlove with the person that was the main content of his phone. He doesn't want to marry his phone, he wants to marry the person that was the reason why he was always on his phone. He was really inlove with her not only by her charm but also by her sweet personality.

And right now he was sitting on his desk doing what he's always doing, staring at her photo like a lovesick puppy. All of his classmates were doing their own businesses that he wasn't even interested. At the corner of his eye he could see her talking with her bestfriend he looked away as he felt the blush rising up his cheeks. He checked the time, it was almost time to go home. When he looked back she was no longer there. Probably cleaning the old girl's restroom again for a unknown reason. He sighed as he unpacked his stuffs and moments later the bell rang as all the students rushed towards the school gates. He was again on his phone while leaning on one of the streetlight outside the school waiting for Nene so they could walk together like they usually do.

"Yamabuki-kun!" He flinched as he recognize that sweet voice mthat played like a perfect melody in his ear. He'd really preffered his name being called by her.

"Hey there Yashiro-san!" With the sight of the girl he immedietely put down his phone and smiled geniunely focusing all his attention on her. It was so hilarious that everyone notices his weird traits that nobody even paid attention to how he acts towards her. Sure they didn't interact much in school but in their small interactions there are still some noticable changes in his behavior. For example he always puts away his phone when holding conversation with her, acts more sweetly towards her, smile more. It was so funny that people always has their attentions on a lot of things but always ended up overlooking what they're missing out on.

The both of them now walking side by side on the sidewalk as the sky has a purple-blue hue. Nene might have not notice it but Yamabuki would occasionally sneak glances at her, secretly complimenting every action she makes. When they were near the apartment Nene was currently staying she turned to him and pecked his cheeks like what she always do when they were little, it was normal for her to do so.

"See you tommorow Yamabuki-kun..." she smiled and waved goodbye while Yamabuki just stood there face flushed. It may be years since she was pecking his cheeks but it doesn't fail to make his heart pound in his ribcage.