Chapter 1//

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Taylor's POV


Where there are fake people.

Couples making out in the hallway.

And bleach blonde bimbos who think they are all that when they are the biggest sluts ever.

Before I go into detail about how much school sucks, let me introduce myself. My name is Taylor Curtis. My hair is NATURALLY blonde. I have green eyes and I am in love the Fast and Furious movies. My best friends are Nate and Jose. I met them when I was at one of my street fights. Yes I do street fighting but nobody knows that. Only them and my crew at the warehouse, but they know to keep their mouths shut. But they don't go to my school.

At my school I'm known as the girl who has no friends, who gets straight A's, and apparently I am a lesbian. Two of those are true. I do get straight A's and I don't have any friends at my school. Like I said. Nate and Jose don't go to my school. But I am not a lesbian. I don't roll that way.

But anyway, my parents died when I was 7 and I now live with my brother who is in college but he goes to college here so he can take care of me. I understand why he does that. My brother and I are really close. We have been ever since what happened with my parents. I have made it a goal to hunt down the bastards who killed my parents and when I find them I will kill them. Ok not kill them but I will hurt them severely. They should pay for what they did.

But back to my school life. Everyone knows who I am only because of my parents but I am not popular. Again I have no friends in school. But I like it that way. I keep to myself most of the time which is great.

I jump as I hear the final bell ring which makes me almost run out of the classroom. Why? Because I have training with Nate today which I am excited for because tonight I have my big fight. I literally run to my car before racing down to the warehouse to meet with the crew. I stop by McDonald's first knowing the guys would be hungry. We rarely have fast food but it's nice when we do. I thought I would surprise the guys with food. Once I get to the warehouse, I notice that there is a car in my spot. I stop right behind it before going grabbing the food and going into the building.

"Who is the dumb ass who thinks its ok to park in my spot? Whoever it is does not get food." I tell when I enter. I set the food down before looking at the guys. "Um. Hello? Are you fucking deaf? I asked y'all a fucking question. Who parked in my fucking parking spot?!" I say louder.

"Who the fuck are you? What are you doing here?" I here an unfamiliar voice come from behind me.

"Who am I? I'm the best fighter in the city. Who the fuck are you?" I say with more anger adding on to me.

"I'm Luke. I'm a fighter here. And you can't possibly be the best fighter. You're a girl." He says with a chuckle. I narrow my eyes at him before going to jump at him but something stops me. No scratch that someone.

"Nate! Let me go! He thinks he can fucking talk to me like that! Who the fuck does he think is?! Watch. When I get my hands on you-" I am cut off when a hand covers my mouth. I bite at the hand but I am dragged to where the training room is. I am set down on the floor and am handed a pair of gloves. "Who the hell is that? And what is he doing in my Warehouse?" I put the gloves on rather tightly but I ignore it as I punch the bag a couple of times.

"That my friend is the new member of our team. I saw a couple of his fights from a buddy of mine and he said that Luke will be a great member to the family." Nate says as he punches the bag next to mine. I sigh before kicking the bag over and over with occasional punches in between them.

"I brought food." I say.

"From where?" Nate asks.

"McDonalds." I say with a punch. As soon as that slips out of my mouth, he is already gone. I laugh to myself before going over to my bag and taking off my outer clothes and am left with my gym clothes on underneath. I plug my phone in and start to head out side for a jog. I start running at a nice pace but then I start thinking about Luke and my parents and the fight tonight. Before I know it, I am full on sprinting. I don't stop though. I keep running even though my legs burn. I don't stop until I feel like I am going to pass out. I stop and sit down for a minute. I stay there for a couple of minutes just staring off into space before standing back up and going back inside. As I enter the building, I notice the same guy that I saw earlier in my training area.

You see. We all have our own training area that is designed on how we fight. I have a little bit of everything because I can do every move known to man. But anyway.

"Can I help you?" I say crossing my arms.

"Actually you can. You can leave. No girl is allowed in this warehouse." He says walking towards me.

"Um. Excuse me. But I have been training in this warehouse ever since I was nine so I suggest that you don't talk to me like that because you have no idea who I am. I wouldn't judge a book by its cover if I were you." I say. A mix of sass and anger lacing through my voice.

"Woah you two. Calm it down." Matthew, my older brother, says with a small smirk.

"Wipe that fucking smirk off your face Curtis." I say narrowing my eyes at him.

"Woah sis. Calm down." He says putting his hands up in defense. I roll my eyes before looking back to Liam or whatever his name is. "Luke. This is my sister Taylor Curtis. She is the best fighter in this facility, and probably in the city, so I wouldn't mess with her if I were you. And Tay, this is Luke Knights. He is a new fighter here at this facility so wether you like it or not, he is going up be a part of our family. And if you two don't get along then both of you are going." He says looking at us both before leaving. As he leaves, I look at Luke for a second. He is actually kinda good looking. I did say kinda.

I get out of my thoughts and go into the main room where everyone is at. I can hear that they are talking about tonight's fight. I hope it's a good one.

Hey guys!! I am so sorry I haven't updated in a long time. It's just that my graduation is in two weeks and I have been doing so much work to make sure I can graduate and I am so stressed out and oh my god I'm ranting. Ok anyway. I hope that you like this story. I will try my very best to update it. I love y'all. Stay cloudy.

Btw, the picture above is Matthew Curtis :)

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