Chapter 5//

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Taylor's POV

I didn't get home until later that night around 11. After Jose and I ate, we trained for a couple of hours than he took me to the movies and we saw Get Hard 2. That was honestly a highlight of my night.

I go into my room and change into a pair of pajamas. I am about to play some music when I hear a knock on my door. I roll my eyes before getting up to answer the door. I open it to see Matt.

"What's up?" I say.

"Luke and I were going to order a pizza and watch a movie and wanted to know if you wanted to join us?" He says with a small smile. I shake my head to him.

"Nah I'm alright. I ate with Jose and I just want some me time right now. Thanks for the offer though," I say with a smile. He smiles back before patting my head and leaving. I shake my head as I head back into my room. I put on my music and crank it up a bit. I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. My mind drifting off. Somehow I end up thinking about how Luke and I almost kissing.

I wonder what would have happened if we actually did kiss. Would I have stopped it? Would it get really heated?

What is wrong with me? I don't even like him. I can't like him. He is an asshole and he is just one of my fighters. I mean yeah, he is attractive. I'll give him that, but I can't date him. If I date him, than people could find out my secret and that is the last thing I want.


After an hour of just sitting on my bed, contemplating my life, I get up to go into the kitchen. It's about 1 am and I'm almost certain that everyone is asleep. I head down to the kitchen but not before peaking into the living room. Matt and Luke are both asleep. I smile to myself before getting a glass out of the cupboard. I get some water and drink it all before exiting the kitchen.

I run into something one my way out. Wait actually scratch that, someone. I look up to see a shirtless Luke smirking down at me.

"Oh um..Sorry. I uh..I didn't see you there," I stutter before brushing past him only for him to grab my wrist and twisting me around. I am than met with his deep blue eyes once again.

"You have beautiful eyes," he compliments me. I blush before smiling.

"So do you," I say back. He chuckles before looking at me intensely. His eyes flicker down to my lips before going back up to my eyes. He rests his forehead against mine and closes his eyes. I am now breathing heavily. As is he. His turns his head and lays a gentle kiss upon my cheek. I let out a breathe that I didn't know I was holding as he turns around and goes back to whatever he was doing. I head back into my room and shut the door.

What just happened?


I wake up to my alarm clock blaring. I groan before hitting the snooze button. I take a quick shower before getting dressed. I put on a plain white t-shirt, a black pair of ankle jeans, and my white high-tops. I told up the bottoms my jeans and head down stairs.

"Good morning my dear brother," I say to Matt who is sitting at the table eating cereal.

"Morning sis," he says smiling at me softly. I him as I search out kitchen for something appetizing.

"Where's Luke?" I ask getting out some yogurt from the fridge. Matt shrugs before looking at me.

"Sleeping maybe. I don't know. Why?" He curiously asks. I shrug back to him before eating my yogurt.

"Just wondering." I say. Today is Saturday so it's training day. "It's training day and if he is a part of our gang than he needs to be up and ready by 10. You know that."

"Yeah yeah yeah. I'll go wake him up," he says starting to get up but I stop him.

"No you stay and I'll wake him him," I say. He shrugs before going back to his cereal.

I walk down the hallway to Luke's room before knocking. I wait a couple seconds before entering. I go in and see a shirtless Luke sleeping soundless in his duvet. I giggle softly to myself before walking towards his bed. I hit him a couple of times as I say his name but he doesn't budge. I sigh. Wait a minute....

I got into the bathroom and grab a cup and quickly fill it with water before walking back to Luke bed. I study him for a second before continuing.

"LUKE!" I scream as I pour the ice cold water onto him. He sits up rapidly in shock. I stand beside him laughing hysterically as his body shakes slightly. He glares at me playfully before smirking. "Uh-oh."

I run out of his room with him hit on my tail. I run all around the house screaming and laughing. We pass a confused Matthew and I run into the bathroom in the hallway. I attempt to lock the door but Luke barges in easily. I scream and try to run past him but he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me back into the bathroom. His fingers poke my sides in an attempt to tickle me.

"I'm not ticklish you know." I say looking at him. He sighs before standing up, closing the door, and locking it. I look at him confused as he walks closer to me. I back up until my back his the wall behind me. He walks closer until his body is pressed up against mine. He leans his forehead against mine as his arm wraps itself around my waist.

"Does this make you uncomfortable?" He asks huskily. I shake my head to him and his hand trails lower onto my lower back. "What about now?" I shake my head again internally screaming. His hand now hovers over the waist band of my shorts almost on my butt. "Now?" I shake my head again. He than moves his hand onto my inner thigh; almost on my core.
"Now?" He whispers. I breath heavily as I shake my head. His hand trails up further but before it could reach its destination, there is a knock on the bathroom door. Luke and I jump from each other before opening the door. I push past Matthew and rush into my room.

What the fuck just happened?

Hey guys! So, like I have a lot to explain to you guys. So I am depressed like majorly depressed and it has been holding me back from writing. Along with my anxiety. And I don't know if that is a good excuse or not but I also had thins with school and volunteering stuff.

But back to the depression. Every since I was younger, I was bullied and had bad depression and was scared to do stuff. I still am but a little more. I had a doctors appointment today so I didn't go to school which was great but now I have to take medication and do yoga and have 30 minutes of cardio everyday and yeah.

I just felt like I should be honest with you guys. so like um yeah.
I love y'all.


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