Chapter 4//

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Taylor's POV

Luke just got home. Well technically he just got back to my house.

I sat in the living room for the next couple of hours after I got home. I was watching some movie when he walked in the door. He didn't say a thing to me as he stalked into the guest bedroom. I rolled my eyes before getting up to go into my room.

As soon as I shut my door, I hear a knock on my door. I groan before opening the door. I am welcomed with the wonderful presence of Luke Knight (note the sarcasm).

"Um....yes?" I ask crossing my arms. He rest his arm above me on the top of the door frame before answering.

"We need to talk," he says brushing past me and into my room.

"Um about what?" I ask, closing the door.

"What happened at school? Why does it matter if we are seen together?" He says slightly narrowing his eyes at me.

"Um I don't really want to talk about it." I say wrapping my arms around myself. I honestly don't understand what the big deal is. He doesn't even like me.

"Why not? Why is it such a big deal if I know? I don't understand," He says coming closer to me.

"Why is it such a big deal if I don't tell you? You don't even like me so it shouldn't matter," I say, well more as yell. I walk past him only for him to grab my arm and twist me around to face him. My breathing becomes uneven as I realize how close we are to each other.

"Who said that I didn't like you?" He whispers quietly.

"I...I just um...I just assumed..." I stutter. He chuckled before shaking his head.

"Will you please just tell me why we can't be seen together at school?" He asks gently. I turn my head and look at the ground before answering.

"I don't want people to think that I have friends. I want people to think that I am just a nerd who gets good grades because if they find out about me...about who I really am...than my life will be over. They will talk to my parents...they guys who killed them.. The will ask me tons of questions about them and I don't want that. I like knowing that people don't know me. I don't open up to anyone. Maybe Nate and Jose and maybe Matthew but that's it. They were there for me when nobody else was," I pause before continuing, "They are my best friends... I know that I can trust them."

Luke stares at me for a second before releasing my grip from my wrist. Both of his his hands go to my lower back and pulls me forward. He wraps his arms around me in a tight hug. I awkwardly hug him back. but after a second I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him back just as tight.

We stay there for what seems like forever. I reluctantly pull away and stare at him. He searches my eyes before they flicker down to my lips. He slowly starts to lean in and I feel myself do the same. Our lips are centimeters apart before I hear his phone start to ring.

We both jump back as he answers it.

"Hello?" He says staring at me for a second. I bite my lip and avert my eyes to the ground. I don't pay any attention to his conversation. I think about the events that just occurred. We almost kissed. What would have happened if we actually kissed? What does that mean? Does he like me? Do I like him? Will it be awkward at school or even here? I am taken out of my train of thoughts when I feel Luke's hand rest on my cheek.

He leans forward and plants a soft kiss on my forehead. I breathe through my nose as he releases me and exits the room. I run my hand through my hair as I think about what just happened. I get my phone and call Jose.

"Hello?" He answers.


"Hey what's up?" He says.

"Meet me at Joe's."

"Alright see you in ten." He says before hanging up.

I grab my keys before heading out to my car. As I enter the car Matt drives up the drive way. I drive the short distance before pulling into the parking lot. I see Jose's car parked a few spots next to mine.

I enter the restaurant and immediately see Jose sitting in a booth flirting with the waitress. I chuckle before shaking my head. I slide into the booth and rest my head on my folded hands.

"Hey," Jose says rubbing my arm with his hand. "You okay?"

"I don't even know. I mean I am just kinda in a daze," I answer truthfully. I rub my eyes with my eyes before looking at Jose. He frowns at me before getting up and sitting next to me. I lean into him and he wraps his arms around me. I sigh before closing my eyes. We just sit there for a while before we notice that the waitress is there.

She has a slight glare directed towards me. Jose turns towards her and smiles before writing his number on a napkin and giving it to her. She furrows her eyebrows before looking at me as if she was asking me if it's okay. I nod slowly. before ordering my usual meal.

"So, what happened babe?" Jose says eating one of his fries.

"What are you talking about?" I say acting confused. He gives me a look and I sigh. "Luke and I almost kissed."

"That's it?" He says.

"What do you mean that's it," I say.

"That's all that happened?" he asks.

"Yeah," I say.

"Well did you want it to happen?" he says.

"What?" I ask.

"Did you want the kiss to happen?" he asks slowly. I think about it for a second. Did I want the kiss to happen?

"We were just caught up in the moment." I say.

"Caught up in the moment." He repeats. I nod taking a bite out of my burger. He shakes his head as his phone rings.

"Hello?" he answers with a mouth full of food. I giggle and take a drink of my iced tea.
"Yeah. She's with me....Joes....idk she told me to meet her here so here we are...You...Things...I can't tell you...I just can't...I'll talk to you later...alright bye." He slides his phone into his pocket before going back to his food. I stare at him in disbelief. He glances at me with a confused expression. "What?"

"Who was that?" I ask.

"Luke." he says shrugging.

"Luke? What did he want?" I ask.

"He wanted to know if I knew where you were and I said you were here with me and he asked why and I told him that you said to meet me here and he asked what were we talking about and I said him and he asked what about him and I said things and he asked what things and I said I couldn't say and then I hung up." He explains to me. I nod to him before going back to my burger.


Hey guys!!! Omg, I am so sorry for the lack of updates.

I have so much going on with school and boys and school and boys and my mom and my grandpa and like yeah.

I'll try to update as much as I can.

I love you guys!!!!


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