Chapter 3//

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Taylor's POV

I wake up the next morning to pounding on my door. I groan before getting up to open my door. I open to see Matthew standing there in front of me.

"What?" I say out of frustration.

"You have to get up. You'll be late for school so hurry up." He says before walking away. I sigh before closing my door. I enter my closet and take out a pair of washed jeans along with a gray long sleeve shirt. I quickly change before putting my hair in a french braid. I slip on my black high top converse before going down to the kitchen. I take a banana from the fruit bowl that was on the counter before heading to my car with my backpack. As I get into the car, I heard someone yell.

"Taylor! Hold up!" I look to the side and see Luke opening the passenger door. "Can you give me a ride to school?" I think about it for a little bit. Should I? He is an asshole but Matt says that he is a part of the family now so I give him a sigh before answering.

"Get in." He smiles before getting in. "So, you are going to my school now? Since when?"

"Since yesterday," He says. I nod before continuing my drive. I see Luke look at me from the corner of my eye. I ignore him as I turn the radio on. A One Direction song comes on and I turn it up a little. I tap my fingers on my steering wheel as I pull into the parking lot of our school. I look at the clock and realize that we have ten minutes til school starts.

I get out of the car and make my way towards the school when Luke stops me.

"Wait. Where are you going?" He asks me resting his hand on my shoulder. I shake it off quickly. I look around to see that a few people are staring.

"Um..You shouldn't talk to me at school," I say as I start to slowly walk away.

"Wait. Wh-," He gets cut off by one of the football players walking up.

"Hey. Why are you talking to this loser?" He asks laughing while resting his arm on Luke's shoulder. I look at Luke; waiting for his response.

"Oh uh, I wasn't. I'm new here. I was making sure she had my math homework," he says followed by a laugh. They walk away, leaving me there alone. I walk away looking down as I make my way to my locker.


By lunchtime, I couldn't wait to get home. I take my lunch and make my way to the library.As I enter, I see Luke sitting down with a textbook on the desk in front of him. I walk past him, trying to make myself as unnoticeable as possible. I sit down at a small couch that's a few feet from where Luke is sitting. I eat my lunch quietly as I read my book.

I turn to look at Luke and see him already looking at me. I quickly look away before finishing my lunch. I throw all of my trash away before leaving the library. I walk over to my locker before taking my stuff out. I see Luke exit the library from the corner of my eye. He scans the hallway before his eyes stop on me.

I quickly avert my eyes and close my locker. As I walk away, I feel Luke grab my wrist gently. I turn around and stare at him.

"Why are you avoiding me? And why is everyone calling you a loser?" His voice laced with confusion as I take my wrist out of his grasp before sighing. I pull him off to the side before speaking.

"Look. Here, I am known as the schools nerd. I am innocent and I get all my homework done and I am basically the teacher's pet in every class. I don't have any friends that go here. And also nobody and I mean NOBODY knows about me being a street fighter. And if people saw us communicating, they would give you shit for it. So just leave me alone and everything with be fine." I turn and walk to my next class before he could answer.

Everything is better off this way. Well, at least I hope it is.


The day is finally over and I can't wait to get home. I walk to my car in silence until I'm stopped by someone. I turn to see Nadia, the most popular girl in the school, walk up to me. I internally groan before giving her a fake shy smile. I glance at Luke and see him watching the situation carefully. I quickly turn back to Nadia as she stands in front of me.

"Hey Taylor," She says with an obvious fake smile. I give her a small wave, me being the shy nerd I am.

"H-hi Nadia."

"So I heard that you and Luke have been talking," She states while crossing her arms. I glance at him and he is still observing us. I turn back to Nadia and see her staring at me intently.

"I um, I don't talk to Luke."

"Stay away from him or you you'll be sorry," She says before walking away. I roll my eyes before getting in my car. I look at Luke and raise my eyebrows, indicated that I'm asking if he wants a ride or not. He shakes his head and I shrug before backing out of the parking lot. I make my way home in silence.

Hey guys!! I am so sorry. I totally meant to update but never got the chance. Stuff has been chaotic. I broke up with my boyfriend. Homework. School drama stuff. Actual drama club. A bunch. I will slowly be updating this story. I love ya'll!


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