Chapter 2//

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Taylor's POV

"Everybody listen up!" I yell to get everyone's attention. They all quiet down and turn to look at me. "All right. So tonight is gonna be a little different than our other fights. The other players are stronger than the other ones. Only because they are from New York. There is nothing to worry about. You guys are great fighters and you guys can do this. Now let's go out there and kick some ass!" All the guys cheer to that before leaving to get ready. Nate and Jose stay behind and laugh as the guys leave.

"So Tay, you nervous for the fight?" Jose asks putting his arm around me. I laugh before removing his arm.

"Hell no. When have I ever been nervous for a fight before?" I ask looking at Jose.

"Taylor! Are your boys ready?!" I hear Ryan, the head fighter, say.

"We're all set!" I yell back just as the guys make their way back to me. I turn to see if everyone is here and, surprise surprise, Luke isn't here.

"Where the hell is Luke?" I ask the guys. They all shrug glancing down to the floor. I let out a sigh of frustration. "Stay here. I mean it." I walk around the crowded arena looking for that blonde headed bastard. I turn a corner and see him making out with some red head with a black mini shirt and a white crop top that looks more like a bra.

"KNIGHT!" I yell pulling him away from the redheaded tramp. I'm not jealous or anything that's just what she is.

"What the fuck is your problem?" He says irritated. I look at him in disbelief. He isn't serious.

"You are supposed to be with the rest of the group. Just because you are new here doesn't mean that you can do what you want. You still have to follow orders. As long as you belong to my team and train at my warehouse, you listen to my rules. Got it?" I say. He rolls his eyes before brushing past me. I look at the girl for a minute before turning and leaving following Luke. Why is he even in my fucking team in the first place? I am the one who founded the warehouse. Who gave him the okay to be apart of the family anyway. Oh, that's right it was Nate. Fucking Nate. Always doing things like this. This is why I...

"Yo! Curtis! You're up first!" Ryan says. I give him the ok before taking off my leather jacket tossing it onto a chair. I put my hair up into a ponytail before entering the middle of the circle. I look up at my opponent and see him laughing and looking at his friends in an amusing manner.

"Oh come one. This is a joke, right? I'm not fighting a girl." He says laughing slightly.

"Why? Afraid of getting beat by a girl?" I ask him with a small smile playing on my lips. I hear the crowd yell 'ooh's' and 'burn'. The guys jaw clenched before throwing a swing at me. I dodge it easily and send my fist across his cheek. He loses his balance for a second but quickly regains it. Punches are being thrown and blood is on the concrete. Not a lot.

"Wait!" I yell. I look at Ryan. He gives me a nod along with a smirk. I smile before continuing. I go flying into the air sending the heel of my foot to meet his nose. His body collapse onto the floor and he is no longer moving. I hear the crowd cheer and I am lifted up into the air. I laugh at their actions before they put me down.
The rest of the night goes by smoothly. My boys win most of the fights. There is one more fight left. Luke's fight. This is his first fight since becoming a part of the team. To say I'm not nervous is kind of an understatement. Only because nobody on the team has lost a fight. Ever. And it's not going to start now. He better not screw this up.

Punches are being thrown mostly from the opponent which makes me nervous. The opponent looks like he can take more punches but Luke looks like he is about to pass out. One last punch from the opponent makes Luke fall onto the ground unconscious.

"FUCK!" I scream as my feet kick a chair in front of me. I curse many times as I walk over to Luke. I kick him lightly to see if he could wake up but it's no use. I call Nate to come help me with him so we could go. I hold one of his arms and Nate holds the other side. We carry him to the truck and lay him down in the back seats. I get in the front as Nate goes off to his car.

As I'm driving, I turn on the radio and listen to something that can calm my nerves. I put whatever on as I hear stirring from the back seat. I look in the review mirror and see Luke start to sit up and groan. I roll my eyes before pulling up to mine and Matthews house.

"Let's go," I say as I exit the car. I open the back seat doors and help him up to my doorstep. I unlock the door and move him to the couch in the living room. "You can stay here tonight. Matt has some clothes in his room that you could borrow. Um.. the bathroom is down the hall. The remote is on the coffee table. If you need anything, don't bother knocking on my door." With that, I hand him an icepack before going into my room.

I sigh as I step into the shower. The warm water relaxes my muscles and I  groan in pain as I rub my shoulder. I soon step out from the shower and quickly get dressed. I take out my bookbag and do some of my homework. I finish everything including an essay that is due in a week. I am expected to do all of my assignments ahead of time.

By the time I finish, it is around 11 at night. I get off my bed and go out to the kitchen. I glance at Luke and notice that he has taken a shower and changed clothes. His hair is still wet and the sweat pants he is wearing swing low on his hips revealing his 'V' line. I also notice that he isn't wearing a shirt and his abs are clearly there. I tear my eyes and turn on the kitchen light. I make myself a sandwich before going back into my room. I finish my sandwich and brush my teeth before going to bed.

I lay there for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep.......

Hey, guys! I'm s sorry that  I haven't updated in a long time. I have been very busy. I know that this chapter isn't very fulfilling but I promise that the next chapter will be better. I'm not starting the romance quite yet. Or maybe there won't be any romance. You'll just have to wait and see. haha. Anyway.... I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thanks for reading!


p.s. the pic above is going to either be Luke or Matthew I haven't decided. comment who you think should play as them.

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