Chapter 7//

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Taylor's POV

We ended up going to some diner close to my house.

"Have you been here before?" I asked Luke. He sighed before answering.

"Uh a couple times with some friends. We had some fights here in the city and we saw the diner on our way home and we would come in and eat and talk and stuff." He says. I nod back at him and look at the menu.

"What's good here? I've never been here before." I ask. He looks at the menu for a couple of seconds before answering.

"Probably the classic cheese burger." He says as the waiter comes up to us. We order our food and have some small talk while we wait.

We talk about his family, his past experience with high school, and some of his interest. Than it gets to me.

"So tell me about your parents. Do they live like somewhere else or are they on a trip?" As soon as he asks that, my smile drops. I sat in silence for a couple of seconds. As I sat there, I felt a tear go down my cheek. Luke noticed it right away. "On my god! I'm so sorry. Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Um when I was about 4-5, my um.... my parents were murdered while I was hiding in the kitchen cabinet..." I say drifting off. I dry my eyes with my napkin and Luke gets up.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Here scoot over." He says sitting next to me. He puts his arm over my shoulders and wraps his arms around me. I Lean into him and close my eyes. I haven't spoken about my parents in a long time. And I don't think I'm ready too. It's too hard. I know it happened like over 10 years ago but it's just not something I'm used to. I hate being the center of attention and when people ask about them, they give me pity and attention and that's not what I want. Thats not what I am about.

"Are you okay?" Luke says breaking my train of thoughts. I nod and look up at him. As I do so, I notice he is already looking down at me. "Do you want to pack our food to go?"

"Yeah." I say wiping my nose with a napkin. He gets up and gets the waiter to put the food in a to-go box.

We walk out of the diner in an awkward silence. Why did he ask about my parents? And why did I tell him about my parents? Whenever someone asks about my parents, I usually just yell at them and tell them to shut the fuck up. Why now? Why him?

We walk to the car across he parking lot before opening the doors and getting in. The drive home was filled with nothing but the radio playing in the background of the awkward silence between me and Luke. By the time we get to the house, we still are in an awkward silence. Neither of us made a move to exit the car. We sat there for a good minute before i decided to exit the car. Luke close on my tail.

"Wait," he says, grabbing my arm. I spin around and face him. Waiting for him to continue. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up your parents."

"It's fine. You didn't know. I don't know why I told you about my parents anyway," I say looking down at the ground.

"What do you mean?" Luke says lifting my head up by putting his fingers under my chin. I stare at home for a couple seconds before responding.

"Because I don't talk about my parents, to anyone. Not even my brother. I usually yell at anyone and everyone who brings them up. I don't know why I told you," I say talking my hand out of his grasp. I turn back around only to be grabbed by Luke again. "What?" I say.

He just stared at me. I looked up at him only to make eye contact with him. He came closer to me and put his hands on my waist. My breathing becomes heavier as i wait for his next move. He pulls me towards him and snuggles his head into neck. A hug. He is giving me a hug. I slowly wrap my arms around his neck and hug him back. He gave me a light squeeze and snuggled deeper into my neck. I didn't notice I was crying until I felt a wet streak go down my cheek. I quickly wiped it off and let go of Luke. When I looked at him, he looked a little hurt that I let go but recovered when he noticed me looking at him.

I turn around again and enter the house leaving Luke outside. I quickly went into my room, ignoring my brothers questions. I shut my door and rested my back against it before sliding down into a sitting position. So many things were running through my head. Why did I tell him about my parents? Why did I hug him? Why did HE hug ME? I don't hug anyone. I barely hug my brother. I just need sleep. Or a nice hot shower. I decided on the sleep.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. I have been dealing with family issues. My grandpa recently passed away so i've been dealing with that. And i have been really busy with school but I am back and I promise to update regularly. Thanks lovelys !

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