Chapter Fourteen: Seen

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"So not only did you bring donuts this morning, but you're plating them all fancy too?" Leila had her hip propped against the counter as she watched Yoongi placing sprinkled donuts on her cupcake stand. "And why would you get sprinkles? I hate sprinkles."

"Oh, I, uh, forgot." He stammered.

She raised an eyebrow. "You forgot that we both hate sprinkles?"

"Mia likes sprinkles." Yoongi defended.

Leila scoffed. "No, she doesn't."

"Uri likes sprinkles?" The kid couldn't even take six ounces of milk yet, but that didn't stop Yoongi from convincing Leila otherwise.

"Ohhhhh!" Leila laughed. "Haru likes sprinkles!"

Yoongi shrugged and slapped his hands together to get rid of the sticky residue. "She might."

His best friend smiled so big that he swore the apples of her cheeks would burst. "This is freaking adorable." With a suck of his teeth, Yoongi headed into the kitchen to start the coffee before she arrived. Much to his chagrin, Leila followed to tease him further. "Are you trying to win her back? I could go back to bed and give you some alone time."

"Don't you dare!" Being in a room alone with Haru for an extended period was not in Yoongi's plans for today. Baby steps. They had to crawl before they could run. "And win her over with some donuts!? Of course not. Anyway, she's married." His discontent was painfully evident in the acknowledgment that Haru was tied to another man.

Yoongi preoccupied himself with working Leila's overly complicated coffee maker. He hated this thing with all its fancy buttons and modes. It could make espresso, cappuccino, lattes, had a built-in steamer, and a frother. He never understood why the hell she needed all of that. Why couldn't Leila and Joon own a standard coffee maker like his? Water in the tank, paper filter, coffee grounds, press start. Nice and simple.

"So are you."


"Well, Haru may have gotten married, but I think you married your work way before she met that man."

Yoongi stopped fiddling with the over-complicated device to turn to Leila. "That's ridiculous."

"Is it? Or is that why you stopped contacting her after debut?"

"Stop it." There was an unmistakable tone of warning in his voice. Leila had been trying to pry more information on his and Haru's past for weeks, but he never disclosed anything concrete. It was his business, his story, and he didn't need to share it with anyone. Not even the woman who had become his best friend. "You couldn't even begin to understand the pressure we felt back then." But he was still justifying his actions to her. "Haru was too comforting and too far from reach. I was struggling. We all were, but I was so close to quitting Leila. This close," He used his index and thumb to indicate how close. "I had to push through for me, my family, and any future I saw with her because every time I heard her voice, I wanted to run home with my tail tucked between my legs. I could not be in constant contact with her, or I would always wish to be home beside her."

Leila's gaze softened, almost like she was taking pity on him. He hated that look. This was ages ago, and everything was fine. Yoongi only wanted to be Haru's friend, so why was everyone making it so difficult with their constant questions and assumptions? As if the perennial ache he had endured since they called it quits wasn't enough of a nuisance. As if watching Haru slip through his fingers like the sands of time hadn't been impossible to endure already.

"Did you ever tell her that?" Yoongi ignored Leilas' question and proceeded to fill the tank with water. She knew Yoongi well enough to know that he shut down when he felt overwhelmed, so she just started to unscrew the top of the water bottles for him. "I'm sorry. I know it's none of my business." Yoongi only nodded. "But,"

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