Chapter Twenty Three : An Act Of Mercy

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They say meetings are a symptom of bad organization, and if Yoongi was standing here before this individual, then shit had very much hit the fan. It wouldn't go well for either party, and he knew it. 

Yoongi was just grateful he was on time that Saturday morning. Taehyung had called for a meeting about the listening party that even Leila had to attend. He had insisted it needed to be an experience. All senses were to be used. Sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell. Smell is where Leila came in with a candle to match the aura of each song on the album. As for the rest, Yoongi had no fucking idea what the hell Taehyung was on about in that meeting. Still, he would have to thank the little weirdo because he could intercept before the mother of all commotions broke out in the lobby of the Hybe building.

Due to said fiasco, Yoongi was forced to give the security guard behind the greeting desk a smile that he usually reserved for politicians and television recordings. Then, he made up a story on the spot that he was sure wasn't even believable because as much as he tried to convince the guard that this person was an old friend, most special guests of the company came through private entrances. Yoongi had only passed near the lobby to get a cup of watered-down coffee from the cafeteria and overheard someone demanding to speak to him. Usually, this wasn't something out of the ordinary. Lunatics and saesangs alike often demanded the members' presence like it was their right. That usually ended with security escorting them out or tossing them on their asses on the pavement, if that's what it came down to. Luckily, the lobby was mostly empty as parts of the building had been closed for renovations and the addition of new amenities, so not many people saw the angry foreigner refusing to leave until Yoongi appeared. 

Now, Yoongi stood leaning against his desk as he watched this man walk around his office, touching everything. Strumming his guitars on the wall, toying with the trophies he worked so hard to win and leaving fingerprints on everything that belonged to Yoongi. Just like he had done with Haru. 

The same woman was now ignoring every one of Yoongi's calls and only returning his texts with half-assed excuses as to why they couldn't meet. Supposedly, she hadn't been feeling well. Yoongi even offered to bring her soup and medicine, but she refused. It was clear now that she was avoiding him because Jean was back and probably threatening her somehow. Yoongi was more than prepared to put him in his place if that was the case. This man wouldn't be allowed to think he had a claim over Haru. 

"As much as I enjoy your impromptu visit. Is there a reason you're here?" Yoongi finally spoke, tired of Jean's grubby little hands all over his items. Jean then picked up a round flower vase from the coffee table. 

Pink hydrangeas. 

Since Harus returned, Yoongi always kept a fresh arrangement around. The way her face lit up when she saw them was enough to make him want to buy her the entire flower shop. Right now, though, the way Jean gripped the vase and his lips curled in disgust brought a sour taste to Yoongi's mouth. 

"These are Haru's favorites," Jean said before placing it back down. Which surprised Yoongi as the man looked like he had half a mind to throw the arrangement against the wall. 

"I know," Yoongi replied with a nod. Their eyes met, and it sent a chill down Yoongi's spine. He had only met this man once before, but the hardness and resentment he had seen in his eyes at Hanna's house was gone. The whites of his eyes were now bloodshot red, proving he might have been crying, the bags under his eyes emphasizing that he mustn't be sleeping well either. He looked unkempt and defeated, sporting a wrinkled button-up and matching khakis. Undoubtedly, this visit and his looking so miserable resulted from Yoongi and Haru's relationship. Why else would he be here? It was more than likely that he couldn't handle the news of a divorce and returned to hand them their comeuppance. Yoongi was glad security had all but cavity-searched the man before they were escorted to the office. Even now, Yoongi breathed a little easier, knowing his bodyguard was right outside the door. 

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