1.It started with a bump

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POV: Iria
I was frustrated and angry with myself. Why did I choose to become a doctor? I thought while walking alone on pavement . I had run out of my dorm as soon as finished with my exams. I wanted to get some fresh air. I lost myself to random thoughts while walking. I liked watching nature and daydreaming . It started raining suddenly, 'what the hell?' I muttered to myself as I started running.
Wham!! I staggered a little. ' Can't you watch were you're going.... wait, are you okay??'.
I looked up at that guy's face covered by a black mask. He didn't say anything . His eyes looked sad like he could break down any moment. I felt that I shouldn't leave him like that. Damn this urge to help others. I always get into trouble due to this feeling.
'Are you okay? Do you need something?' I asked him again. Still no answer. This is going to be hard I thought.' I think you should sit down' I said leading him towards sheltered bench on the side. I sat with him knowing this would take a while. After few minutes of silence he looked at me and asked'Why did you bother to sit with me?' with a slight accent. He was nicely dressed and tall, must be handsome I thought .'I don't know ' I answered.
'You are not from around here, are you?' trying to strike up a conversation with him.'No' 'um... okay '. Few more minutes of awkwardness pass before he finally said something. 'Can I talk to you about something? It's kind of personal'.I nodded in answer. ' I'm sorry if I weirded you out. But I feel suffocated, I need to let this out. And I feel it would be better if I say it to a stranger since we will never meet again.' 'Okay, whatever suits you'.
He looked into my eyes as if he was searching for something when finally he said 'Well, I have a dream for which I had been working hard to reach. But lately I feel whatever I do is not enough and I'm failing my friends and family . I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like putting an end to all of these. I think I should do something else instead of this . I really don't have anyone to talk about this'.
I felt like I was seeing myself in a mirror not him.' I don't know if I can give you advice or something because I'm also feeling the same more or less.We're mates in suffering huh..' He gave me the side eye like are you seriously trying to joke right now.
'um...' shit why can't I think of a single thing to say. I racked my brain to think of something to say. 'Well there is no use getting depressed and doing nothing. I suggest you try it again. Give it your best. My gut feeling says that things will change this time'.
'I don't know. I wish someone was there who could support me no matter what.' 'Hey ...then why don't we become each other's support ' I blurted out without thinking.
Maybe I am crazy yes that would explain why I suggested a complete stranger to become each other's support. He was silent for a long time. Why isn't he saying anything? This is awkward I thought.
'Um .. okay well there is no harm in trying I think. But I have a condition we won't reveal who we are , okay?'. He said.
'Alright. I think it's better that way. Why don't we exchange our insta IDs?' I said giving him my rarely used Insta. 'I can't. My mobile gets regularly checked by my manager .' he said sadly. 'Are you a celebrity? No wonder you feel lonely.' I suddenly thought of a wonderful idea ' Hey, It's no problem just delete our chat each time. And to make sure we are chatting to right person let's use some code. How does it sound , good right?'
' It does feel crazy but okay I'll try only with one condition don't fall in love with me.' After exchanging our insta,we talked about random stuff before going on our way. I hope your life gets better and we can meet again I wished as I walked back to my dorm.

It's my first time writing a story. I hope you guys will forgive any mistakes and give me suggestions to improve. I hope you will vote and comment on my story.

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