2. It Started with a bump part 2

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*italics indicate Korean

POV: Seonghu
' That's all for today.' director -nim said after the final shot. We are shooting for our latest MV. It is the first time I am out of Korea. I was feeling tired and exhausted. Lately, I have been keeping a distance from my group members. I heard that a rumour is going around that I will be kicked out from the group as I had been poorly performing for last few months. I couldn't bear it talking to them knowing that I might not be with them in future.
I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like my passion for music has been buried under all the pressure to be a perfect Idol. I think I lost myself trying to maintain this facade of being cold from outside but warm inside type of personality. I'm originally an outgoing person, but my company said my looks match more of a cold personality.
I think now I really developed a cold personality. 'Hyung, can I go outside for bit to get some fresh air?' I asked my manager . 'Okay as long as you don't go too far' he agreed . I looked at the beautiful scenery as I walked. It looked so beautiful and calm. With cute little flowers along the bushes and bees buzzing around. But this couldn't calm the turmoil inside me.
I just wanted to make songs how did I end up like this I thought as I wandered aimlessly. I was thinking about how pathetic my life is while it started raining suddenly. 'Shit, what is it with the timing ' I cursed under my breath. I started walking hurriedly to nearby shelter so I didn't see her until I bumped into her.
'Why is this happening to me?' I almost started crying. I thought the girl wouldn't mind me and go on. Suddenly she asked me,'Can't you watch were you're going.... wait, are you okay??'. I thought she'd get angry at me for hitting her but I never thought she'd be concerned for me. I think the last time I saw anyone concerned about me was my mother when I went home on Christmas three years back.
'Are you okay? Do you need something?' that foreigner girl asked me. Am I okay?? No I am not, I said in my head. As if she heard that answer she dragged me to a nearby sheltered bench saying 'I think you should sit down'. I thought she'd go away if I didn't answer. What is with her? I thought and asked her 'Why did you bother to sit with me?' I was curious she looked like she had problems of her own why would she be bothered with me? She looked tired, with dark circles under her large beautiful brown eyes . She had short black hair ending in golden swirls framing her round face and wore baggy clothes. But I couldn't see her face as she had a mask on.
'I don't know. You are not from around here, are you?' she said. Trying to change topic I see huh.. Why is she interested in me..or does she know who I am??? Oh no I am done for... what should I do? should I run or should I call manager hyung?
'No' I answered 'um... okay' she said. What? Is that it? Now that I think about it, her facial expressions show only concern. I don't know why but her whole aura feels like she is trustable. Can I talk to her?Is it okay if I talk about my inner thoughts ? I'm frustrated I need to let out what's killing me from inside. Ahh.. I don't care anymore life can't get more problematic than this. 'Can I talk to you about something? It's kind of personal' I impulsively said.'I'm sorry if I weirded you out. But I feel suffocated, I need to let this out. And I feel it would be better if I say it to a stranger since we will never meet again.' what's wrong with me why am I blurting out anything to that girl.
'Okay, whatever suits you' she agreed. I looked at her eyes getting lost in them. 'Well, I have a dream for which I had been working hard to reach. But lately I feel whatever I do is not enough and I'm failing my friends and family . I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like putting an end to all of these. I think I should do something else instead of this . I really don't have anyone to talk about this'. I just can't help but displaying my weakness infront of this mysterious girl.
'I don't know if I can give you advice or something because I'm also feeling the same more or less.We're mates in suffering huh..' she said. Mates in suffering uhh.. really is she joking now.
'Well there is no use getting depressed and doing nothing. I suggest you try it again. Give it your best. My gut feeling says that things will change this time' she said . I felt encouraged by what she said.' I don't know. I wish someone was there who could support me no matter what' I said wishing there was someone to encourage me everytime I feel down.
'Hey ...then why don't we become each other's support ' I was shocked by what she said. Really.. can we? What if this all gets out? Maybe we can talk without revealing our identities to each other.
'Um .. okay well there is no harm in trying I think. But I have a condition we won't reveal who we are , okay?'.
I can't lose this chance to keep talking to her....what??? No I think I am just desperate for someone to talk to.
'Alright. I think it's better that way. Why don't we exchange our insta IDs?' she said. 'I can't. My mobile gets regularly checked by my manager ' I will get caught is there no other way I thought. I felt sad about it. 'Are you a celebrity? No wonder you feel lonely' she said. Did she just ignore the fact that I may be a celebrity and get worried about me being lonely? She really is a good person I thought.
'Hey, It's no problem just delete our chat each time. And to make sure we are chatting to right person let's use some code. How does it sound , good right?'she said after some thinking.
'It does feel crazy but okay I'll try only with one condition don't fall in love with me.' I said, stressing the last part mostly for myself.
I gave her my fake account I use hiding from manager hyung. We talked about lot of things I didn't even feel the time passing infact it felt a lot lighter as if the weight pressing me down was reduced.
I didn't want to go back but I had to. I don't want to get manager hyung in trouble .Will we meet again I thought as I went back.

I hope you guys like this chapter. Should I write only one pov ? Do comment if you have any suggestions.

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