6. A New Start

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1 year later

POV: Seonghu

I still miss her. Dani... she must be doing her internship now. It's almost one year since we stopped contacting each other. I miss how we used to share every little thing of our lives. I miss her laugh and her bickering.Did I even mean anything to her? I hope she is doing well.
Now we are more famous than ever . Sujung hyung is going to serve in army so our activities as a group is currently on hold. I miss my members. I can say that I have spent more time with them than my family. In a way, they are like my real brothers. They were with me since I started training to become an idol. They made me into the person I am today. If not for their unconditional support I would have never been able to  survive during the hard time of my life. I wish we can continue as a group even after the military service. Eventhough I do have more works as an individual artist I would still readily give it up if we could stay as a group. I feel all alone in this world without them. There were times when we fought with each other but at the end of the day we were still a family.
Making beautiful songs had always my dream.  The song I recently produced had become very famous for the heartbreaking lyrics. Actually I had written that with Dani in mind. I hoped that she would recognise me. But I guess that was just a futile hope. I had decided that it would be my last attempt and move on if this didn't work. Eventhough infront of everyone I acted like I was okay inside I was feeling very miserable. Losing contact with Dani together with hiatus of my group made me feel very lonely. But still I keep going on just because of the support of my fans.
I was receiving many offers to act in drama. Initially I wanted to dedicate my entire time to music but I wanted to make myself busy and tired so that I will no longer have  thoughts about her. So I thought it will be good idea to do some roles in dramas . Dani likes kdramas.... maybe she'd notice me. Uhhhh..... again these thoughts about her . What should I do to get these thoughts out of my head?
............... time lapse....................
1 year later
I had become an actor with multiple projects. I kind of enjoyed acting . We have to research about the character, his surroundings family background, life events, etc before we can act as that character.It takes a lot of work to prepare for a role. It's interesting how actors change their behaviour,way of speaking, dressing even their body language to become the character. Often, it feels very difficult to break out from the role .One can say that actors have multiple personalities . It's just that they have control over these personalities .  It takes a lot of energy and especially a lot of patience to act. Acting the same scene again and again till it gets perfect sometimes becomes frustrating. After editing what remains of a day long hardwork maybe just a ten minute segment. I haven't even acted in any main roles and I already feel like this. I developed a huge respect for actors after I entered this profession. For those who see it from a distance it's all gliter and glamour. But the price to be paid is many sleepless nights, strict diet, difficult exercises and what not. Recently I was thinking of taking a break from acting to concentrate on music because soon I'll be enlisting in military. I wanted to make more songs before enlisting. I discussed it with the company and they agreed on one condition that I'll have to act in one last drama before I take a break. I was being considered in a romantic comedy drama to the role of male lead's best friend who was a funny character and had a crush on female lead's tomboy best friend . I agreed to it. I woke up late on the first day of filming and I had to rush . By the time I reached the school where drama was to be filmed I was in a bad mood . On top of that I was a bit late because of the heavy morning traffic. I was rushing and accidentally bumped into a woman I didn't notice who she was as this incident brought back all the memories I have been trying to forget. I got angry and left without apologizing. What's wrong with this day? I hope the day doesn't get any more problematic than it already is.

Whoa... Seonghu is in a bad mood. He used to feel happy when he thought of Dani. Now he gets sad when he thinks about her. What is going to happen now? Will he continue on with his life as if nothing happened ? Or will the second bump be the closing point of his first love and start of a new love? What do you guys think?

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