3.Our little secret

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It's been a month after I met that mystery guy. I think he might have gone back to his country. There hasn't been a single message from him. He must be doing good seeing he hasn't contacted me yet.
Anyways I was back to attending boring lectures. The only thing interesting in my life right now is clinical visits. Being a final year student is hard. I have to revise what I had studied for last 3 years and study this year's to finally be able to diagnose the disease. I decided to come in to this field myself so I have to do it till the end. That's the only thought that keeps me going.
Ugh.... I know I should be happy for my friends who are in a relationship but I feel so lonely. I mostly spend time alone even though they ask me to come along. Hell no.. I'd rather sleep than having to watch those love birds. I decided to do something other than studying to take my mind off the depressing fact of not having a boyfriend. Why is it that all my friends had to get committed? We were happily enjoying hanging out on the weekends. I need to make use of this extra time I thought.
I took my guitar out which was lying in the corner of my room gathering dust. Strumming the few cords I knew I started humming.' Shut it! I'm trying to get some sleep here.' my senior staying opposite to my room yelled. Yep, medicos sleep at weird hours.Haa.... what should I do in my free time? Painting...nah... I'm too lazy. Let's watch some k drama I heard Extraordinary attorney woo is a good one.
..........time lapse..............

I woke up after sleeping for the whole afternoon. College day programs were really tiring. The first thing I saw on phone was an insta notification. Somebody sent me a message. 'Whatt?!' OMG I panicked it's that mystery guy. He had sent a hello.
star_of_east99: Hello
daniellette 777:'Hi.
star_of_east99:How are you?
daniellette 777: 'Going great. And you?'
star_of_east99:' I'm fine just busy with various programs ' .
Oh.yes.. he's a celebrity I remembered.
daniellette 777:' I hope you'll have proper food and rest during this. Don't push yourself too much.'
star _of_east99: Yeah I know. Enough about me . What about you?
daniellette777: Same old. Busy with studies and some college activities.
He didn't message anything for a few seconds. Did he just leave me on read?
daniellette777: Hey! You there?
star_of_east99: Oh I'm sorry about that. My manager hyung came in suddenly. I almost got caught.
daniellette 777: Thank God you didn't get caught.
daniellette 777: Be careful and also don't forget to delete our chat later don't take risks.
star_of_east77: By the way we should make a code to use to make sure we are chatting with right person.Sometimes my members play with my phone.
daniellette777: yeah sure. What should it be?
star_of_east99: You decide?
daniellette777: What about 777?
star_of_east99: Why? What's special about that number?
daniellette777: It's the angel's number.
star_of_east99: Oh really?
daniellette777: I'm not sure but people say it is.
star_of_east99: okay then that will be our code.
We talked a lot about each other that day that I didn't feel the time passing.
From then on we used to share what happened in our life with each other. He talked about about how he and his group members struggle everyday. There was one time when I felt particularly sad listening to him . When he said that he gets scared when he hears a particular ringtone which his sasaeng had on her mobile. She had broken into his hotel room and stolen his shirt. She had also tried to get into his dorm but was quickly caught by the security. It's so disheartening to see such psychopaths who call themselves fans do things that scares their idol. I mean, imagine someone stalking you and stealing your personal items.....ugh. Just imagining it sent shivers down my spine. Being an idol is tough I don't think I'll ever have the strength in me to face all these.
It was crazy I couldn't talk about this with my friends and had to make sure I'm alone when we chat.I feel excited it's like we are in a spy movie or something. Watching our surroundings before using our mobile, using codes and sneaking to places where no one can disturb. Right now he's the best person in my life someone I can complain to about my life and share gossips with. He's is the one I think of first when I feel sad. He's my online bestie.

Please don't go searching for those insta ids. You can search up daniellette777 it's fine but not the other one. You guys won't cause any trouble, right???

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