4. Our little secret part 2

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*italics indicate Korean
POV: Seonghu
I had been very busy for the last month due to our recent comeback. Response is quite good this time for my group only exception being me. People on internet the netizens were hating on me for multiple reasons. One of the reasons being that I got fat. I have been dieting for 3 months before our comeback and starved myself for almost a week before our performance . I don't know what should I do I almost fainted during one of performances due to all this dieting. I have to pretend that there's nothing wrong and perform cheerfully while it's really hurting inside. People only see the bright and flashy exterior of an idol, but it really is a place full of hurt and pain. In any other profession, people can express their feelings but if an idol does it, it's the end of their career.
I want to go home see my parents and my little sister. I miss them so much. I haven't gone home for last three years. But I have to wait for another 3 months before I can go home. I can't talk to my members as I am currently avoiding them even though they try to talk to me . I fear I won't be able to control my emotions infront of them. And I can't talk about this to my family because I don't want them to get upset. I hope I can stay put till these hard times get over.
.............. time lapse.................
' We can be each other's support ' suddenly I remembered that foreigner I met when we were abroad. Should I message her? What should I say? Will it be okay to talk to her? Mmmm....I will cut contact with her once she starts asking questions...... yes, I should do that.
I sent a message to her anxiously. But I didn't get reply for the whole day.
daniellette 777:Hi
Finally, she replied me just as I was going to sleep.
star_of_east99:How are you?
daniellette777:Going great. And you?. star_of_east99: I'm fine just busy with various programs .
daniellette 777:I hope you'll have proper food and rest during this. Don't push yourself too much.
star_of_east99: Yeah I know. Enough about me . What about you?
daniellette777: Same old. Busy with studies and some college activities.
Suddenly manager hyung came in. Shit...... I hid my phone quickly.'What were you doing? You look suspicious right now.' hyung said. 'no nothing ' I said. He looked at me for few seconds which felt like hours before saying ' don't get caught watching po*n, okay? 'No hyung I'm not watching it' I said.'haha I know I have also been through that age' he said before leaving the room. Phew!! I almost gave me away.
daniellette777: Hey! You there?
star_of_east99: Oh I'm sorry about that. My manager hyung came in suddenly. I almost got caught.
daniellette 777: Thank God you didn't get caught.
daniellette 777: Be careful and also don't forget to delete our chat later don't take risks.
star_of_east77: By the way we should make a code to use to make sure we are chatting with right person. Sometimes my members play with my phone.
daniellette777: yeah sure. What should it be?
star_of_east99: You decide?
daniellette777: What about 777?
star_of_east99: Why? What's special about that number?
daniellette777: It's the angel's number.
star_of_east99: Oh really?
daniellette777: I'm not sure but people say it is.
star_of_east99: okay then that will be our code.
Both of us talked a lot that day. Later on we talked about each other's lives. We would talk random things every day even gossiping about how the hottest girl of her college is being a woman version of Casanova. It's nice being able to talk about something other than comebacks and performances. I do love my music and my fans but it's those haters who makes my life sad and depressing. Anyways I am feeling good unlike before I met her. I think having something to be happy about really makes a person shine as my fans are commenting about me now.
She doesn't really know who I am except that I am a k pop idol. She likes kdramas and k-pop a lot. We discuss about songs of different groups it's a topic we both love to talk about .On some occasions, I get inspired by random things she says. Or I can say that she is my muse. A person who brought out the best of musician in me.I hope we can keep this going whatever we have now. Will I be able to keep this special friendship of mine in future?

Let me know how many of you guys went searching for Seonghu's insta?? HeHe... I own both of those pages. Thank you for your support.
I can't be irresponsibly using someone's insta IDs,right?

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